EX/1-1 | Sakamoto, Y | Development of Reversed Shear Plasmas with Large Bootstrap Current Fraction towards Reactor Relevant Regime in JT-60U |
EX/1-2 | Rimini, F.G. | High betaN Regimes at JET: Progress Towards Steady-State Operation |
EX/1-3 | Doyle, E.J. | Demonstration of ITER Operational Scenarios on DIII-D |
EX/1-4Ra | Joffrin, E. H. | Development of the “Hybrid” scenario in JET |
EX/1-4Rb | Petty, C.C. | Advances in the Physics Basis of the Hybrid Scenario on DIII-D |
EX/1-4Rc | Suzuki, T | Development of Advanced Operation Scenarios in Weak Magnetic-Shear Regime on JT-60U |
EX/1-5 | Gruber, O. | Compatibility of ITER scenarios with full Tungsten wall in ASDEX Upgrade |
EX/10-1 | Mckee, G.R. | Dependence of the L- to H-mode Power Threshold on Toroidal Rotation and the Link to Edge Turbulence Dynamics |
EX/10-2Ra | Mazzucato, Ernesto | Turbulent fluctuations with the electro gyro-scale in the National Spherical Torus Experiment |
EX/10-2Rb | Gusakov, E. Z. | Evolution of ETG-mode scale turbulence spectra and anomalous electron transport in dynamic experiments at FT-2 tokamak |
EX/2-1 | Saibene, G | Results of the Variable Toroidal Field Ripple Experiments in JET |
EX/2-2 | Akers, R.J. | Transport studies in the MAST spherical tokamak |
EX/2-3 | Coda, S. | Full Bootstrap Discharge Sustainment in Steady State in the TCV Tokamak |
EX/2-4 | Mantica, P | Experimental Study of the Ion Critical Gradient Length and Stiffness Level and the Impact of Rotational Shear in JET |
EX/2-5 | Talmadge, J.N. | Neoclassical Currents and Transport Studies in HSX at 1 Tesla |
EX/3-1 | Yoshida, M | Formation mechanism of toroidal rotation profile and characteristics of momentum transport in JT-60U |
EX/3-2 | Kaye, S.M. | Momentum Transport in Electron-Dominated Spherical Torus Plasmas |
EX/3-3 | Tala, Tuomas | Experimental Evidence on Inward Momentum Pinch on JET and Comparison with Theory and Modelling |
EX/3-4 | Solomon, W.M. | Developments in Predictive Understanding of Plasma Rotation on DIII-D |
EX/4-1 | Evans, T.E. | Plasma Performance in DIII-D ELM-Suppressed RMP H-modes With ITER Similar Shapes |
EX/4-2 | Liang, Y. | Active Control of Type-I Edge Localized Modes with n=1 and n=2 fields on JET |
EX/4-3Ra | Fundamenski, W | ELM filament heat loads on plasma facing components in JET and ITER |
*Missing* | Eich, T | Divertor heat loads due to edge localized modes in ASDEX Upgrade and JET |
EX/4-4Ra | Asakura, N | Investigations of impurity seeding and radiation control for long-pulse and high-density H-mode plasmas in JT-60U |
EX/4-4Rb | Rapp, J | Integrated Scenario with Type-III ELMy H-mode Edge: Extrapolation to ITER |
EX/4-5 | Lang, P. T. | Investigating Pellet Physics for ELM Pacing and Particle Fuelling in ITER |
EX/5-1 | Sabbagh, S. A. | Advances in Global MHD Mode Stabilization Research on NSTX |
EX/5-2 | Matsunaga, G | Dynamics and stability of resistive wall mode in the JT-60U high-$\beta$ plasmas |
EX/5-3Ra | Reimerdes, H. | Effect of Resonant and Non-resonant Magnetic Braking on Error Field Tolerance in High Beta Plasmas |
EX/5-3Rb | Park, J.-K. | New understanding of tokamak plasma response to 3D magnetic fields |
EX/5-4 | Isayama, A | Neoclassical Tearing Mode Control with ECCD and Magnetic Island Evolution in JT-60U |
EX/6-1 | Garcia-Munoz, M. | MHD Induced Fast-Ion Losses on ASDEX Upgrade |
EX/6-2 | Van Zeeland, M.A. | Alfvenic Instabilities and Fast Ion Transport in the DIII-D Tokamak |
EX/6-3 | Fredrickson, E.D | Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmode Avalanches |
EX/7-1Ra | Chapman, B.E. | High Beta Plasmas Exceeding Dual Stability Thresholds in the MST RFP |
EX/7-1Rb | Masamune, S. | Effects of Lowering the Aspect Ratio on MHD Behaviour in a Reversed Field Pinch |
EX/7-2Ra | Arnoux, G | Heat Load on Plasma Facing Components during Disruptions on JET |
*Missing* | Riccardo, V | Progress in understanding halo current at JET |
EX/7-2Rc | Okamoto, M | Study of Current Decay Time during Disruption in JT-60U Tokamak |
EX/7-3Ra | Esposito, B | Disruption Control on FTU with ECRH |
EX/7-3Rb | Wesley, J.C. | Fast Plasma Shutdowns Obtainesd With Massive Hydrogenic, Noble and Mixed-Gas Injection in DIII-D |
EX/7-3Rc | Savrukhin, P.V. | Effect of the MHD Perturbations on Runaway Beam Formation during Disruptions in the T-10 Tokamak |
EX/8-1Ra | Sakamoto, R | High density high performance plasma with internal diffusion barrier in Large Helical Device |
EX/8-1Rb | Ohdachi, S. | Two approaches to the reactor-relevant high-beta plasmas with profile control in the Large Helical Device |
EX/8-2Ra | Nagaoka, K | Characteristics of High-Ion-Temperature Plasmas Heated by Neutral Beams in the Large Helical Device |
EX/8-2Rb | Ida, K | Dynamics of ion internal transport barrier in LHD heliotron and JT-60U tokamak plasmas |
EX/8-3 | De Vries, P.C | Internal transport barrier dynamics with plasma rotation in JET |
EX/8-4 | Burrell, K.H. | Edge Pedestal Control in Quiescent H-Mode Discharges in DIII-D Using Co Plus Counter Neutral Beam Injection |
EX/8-5 | Urano, H | Heat transport and pedestal structure of H-mode in the variation of current density profiles in JT-60U |
EX/9-1 | Tsitrone, E | Deuterium Inventory in Tore Supra : reconciling particle balance and post mortem analysis |
EX/9-2 | Kallenbach, A. | Non-Boronized Operation of ASDEX Upgrade with Full-Tungsten Plasma Facing Components |
EX/9-3 | Rudakov, D.L. | Dust Studies in DIII-D and TEXTOR |
EX/9-4 | Kobayashi, Masahiro | Study on impurity screening in edge ergodic layer of Large Helical Device |
*Missing* | Yuh, H.Y. | Suppression of turbulent transport in NSTX internal transport barriers |
EX/P3-10 | Lebedev, S.V. | Counter-NBI Assisted LH Transition in Low Density Plasmas in the TUMAN-3M |
EX/P3-11 | Minami, T.M. | Simultaneous Realization of High Density Edge Transport Barrier and Improved L-mode on CHS |
EX/P3-2 | Takenaga, H | Characteristics of Internal Transport Barrier under Reactor Relevant Condition in JT-60U Weak Shear Plasmas |
EX/P3-3 | Kamada, Y | Correlation between the edge and the internal transport barriers in JT-60U |
EX/P3-4 | Beurskens, MNA | Pedestal dynamics in ELMy H-mode plasmas in JET |
EX/P3-5 | Groebner, R.J. | Progress Towards a Predictive Model for Pedestal Height in DIII-D |
EX/P3-6 | Turri, G | Global Plasma Oscillations in Electron Internal Transport Barriers in TCV |
EX/P3-7 | Wolfrum, E | Pedestal studies at ASDEX Upgrade |
EX/P3-8 | Dong, Y.B. | Link of Internal Transport Barriers and the Low Rational q Surface on HL-2A |
EX/P3-9 | Carraro, L | Improved Confinement with Internal Electron Temperature Barriers in RFX-mod |
EX/P4-1 | Kendl, A. | Hydrocarbon Characteristics in Fusion Edge Plasmas from Electron-Molecule and Ion-Surface Collision Experiments |
EX/P4-10 | Gusev, V.K. | Plasma-Wall Interaction Study in the Open Divertor of Globus-M Spherical Tokamak |
EX/P4-11 | Silva, C.G | Overview of Recent ISTTOK Results |
EX/P4-12 | Zushi, H | Active Particle Control Experiments and Critical Flux Discriminating between the Wall Retention and Release in the CPD Spherical Tokamak |
EX/P4-13 | Khimchenko, L.N. | Study of Dust Morphology, Composition and Surface Growth under ITER-relevant Energy Load in Plasma Gun QSPA-facility |
EX/P4-14 | Vershkov, V.A. | Experiments with Lithium Gettering of the T-10 Tokamak. |
EX/P4-15 | Khorshid, Pejman | Overview of Experimental Studies on IR-T1 Tokamak |
EX/P4-16 | Ueda, Y | Localized Tungsten Deposition in Divertor Region in JT-60U |
EX/P4-17 | Lisgo, S | The Influence of Filaments on Scrape-Off Layer Transport |
EX/P4-18 | Ohno, N | Statistical Analysis of Fluctuation Characteristics at High- and Low-Field Sides in L-mode SOL Plasmas of JT-60U |
EX/P4-19 | Groth, M. | Effect of Cross-field Drifts and Core Rotation on Flows in the Main Scrape-Off Layer of DIII-D L-mode Plasmas |
EX/P4-2 | Ekedahl, A | Operational Limits during High Power Long Pulses in Tore Supra |
*Missing* | Pitts, R. A. | SOL Transport in TCV |
EX/P4-21 | Petrie, T.W. | The Effect of Magnetic Balance and Particle Drifts on Radiating Divertor Behavior in DIII-D |
EX/P4-22 | Soukhanovskii, V. A. | Divertor Heat Flux Mitigation in High-Performance H-mode Plasmas in the National Spherical Torus Experiment |
EX/P4-23 | Stroth, U. | Experimental investigation of turbulence at the transition from closed to open field lines |
EX/P4-24 | Masuzaki, S | Advanced divertor scenario in the Large Helical Device |
EX/P4-25 | Nakano, T | Impurity accumulation in the main plasma and radiation processes in the divetor plasma of JT-60U |
EX/P4-26 | Burhenn, R. | On Impurity Handling in High Performance Stellarator/Heliotron Plasmas |
EX/P4-27 | Ferron, J.R. | Development in DIII-D of High Beta Discharges Appropriate for Steady-State Tokamak Operation With Burning Plasmas |
EX/P4-3 | Rohde, V | Dynamik and Static Deuterium Inventory in ASDEX Upgrade with Tungsten First Wall |
EX/P4-4 | Doerner, R. P. | Issues Associated with Codepostion of Deuterium with ITER Materials |
EX/P4-5 | Castaldo, C | Detection of Dust Particles in FTU |
EX/P4-6 | Mazzitelli, G. | Status and Perspective of the Liquid Material Experiments in FTU and ISTTOK |
EX/P4-7 | Ashikawa, N | Characterization of heated dust particles using infrared and dynamic images in LHD |
EX/P4-8 | Hino, T | Hydrogen Concentration of Co-deposited Carbon Films Produced in the Vicinity of Local Island Divertor in Large Helical Device |
EX/P4-9 | Kaita, R. | Plasma Performance Improvement with Lithium-Coated Plasma-Facing Components in NSTX |
EX/P5-1 | Yoshinuma, M | Observations of Spontaneous Toroidal Flow on LHD |
EX/P5-10 | Inagaki, Dr. | Radial Interaction in Dynamic Heat Transport of LHD Plasmas |
EX/P5-11 | Fukuda, T | Impact of Magnetic Shear Modification on Confinement and Turbulent fluctuations in LHD Plasmas |
EX/P5-12 | Kitajima, S | Density Collapse in Improved Confinement Mode on Tohoku University Heliac |
EX/P5-13 | Kobayashi, S | Effect of Bumpy Magnetic Field on Energy Confinement in NBI Plasmas of Heliotron J |
EX/P5-14 | Shchepetov, S.V. | Fast Transport Transitions in High Shear L-2M Stellarator: Role of Moderate-Order Rational Magnetic Surfaces |
EX/P5-15 | Pochelon, A. | Physics Insight and Performance Benefit in MHD and Energy Transport from Plasma Shaping Experiments in the TCV Tokamak |
EX/P5-16 | Sakharov, N.V. | Study of Globus-M low aspect ratio plasma in improved confinement regime. |
EX/P5-18 | Razumova, K.A. | Tokamak Plasma Self-Organization and Possibility to Have the Peaked Density Profile in ITER |
EX/P5-19 | Ryter, F | Simultaneous Analysis of Ion and Electron Heat Transport by Power Modulation in JET |
EX/P5-2 | Degrassie, J.S. | Intrinsic Rotation in H-Mode Pedestal in DIII-D |
EX/P5-20 | Maslov, M | Denisty profile behavior in JET H-mode plasmas |
EX/P5-21 | Ding, Weixing | Particle Transport and Electron Density Relaxation due to Stochastic Magnetic Fields in the MST Reversed Field Pinch |
EX/P5-22 | Puiatti, M.E. | High density physics in Reversed Field Pinches : comparison with Tokamaks and Stellarators |
EX/P5-23 | Sun, H.J | Non-local transport phenomenon with SMBI on HL-2A |
EX/P5-24 | Ding, xuantong | observation of a natural particle transport barrier in HL-2A tokamak |
EX/P5-25 | Koguchi, H | High beta plasma in improved confinement regime on the TPE-RX Reversed-Field Pinch Plasmas |
EX/P5-26 | Martines, E. | Transport mechanisms in the outer region of RFX-mod |
EX/P5-27 | Burdakov, A.V. | Advances in Plasma Heating and Confinement in the GOL-3 Multiple Mirror Trap |
EX/P5-28 | Yoshida, Z | High-Beta (Hot Electron) Plasma in Ring Trap 1 (RT-1) |
EX/P5-29 | López-Bruna, D. | Footprint of the Magnetic Configuration in ECH Plasmas of the TJ-II Flexible Heliac |
EX/P5-3 | Prager, S.C. | Momentum Transport from Tearing Instability |
EX/P5-30 | Hidalgo, C. | Multi.scale physics during shear flow development in the TJ-II stellarator |
EX/P5-31 | Estrada, T | Characterization of the perpendicular rotation velocity of the turbulence by reflectometry in the stellarator TJ-II |
EX/P5-32 | Liu, A.D. | Three-dimension spectral characteristics of low-frequency Zonal Flow in the edge plasma of HL-2A tokamak |
EX/P5-33 | Yan, Longwen | Density Fluctuation of GAM Zonal Flows on the HL-2A Tokamak |
EX/P5-34 | Zhao, Kaijun | Two Distinct Regimes of Turbulence in HL-2A Tokamak Plasmas |
EX/P5-35 | Schmitz, L. | First Observation of Reduced Core Electron Temperature Fluctuations and Intermediate Wavenumber Density Fluctuations in H- and QH-mode Plasmas |
EX/P5-36 | Melnikov, A.V. | The Study of the Statistical Properties of Electric Potential Oscillations in the T-10 Tokamak |
EX/P5-37 | Shelukhin, D.A. | Spatial Structure of Density Fluctuations and Geodesic Acoustic Mode in T 10 Tokamak. |
EX/P5-38 | Conway, G.D. | Turbulence and geodesic acoustic mode behavioural studies in ASDEX Upgrade using Doppler reflectometry |
EX/P5-39 | Skvortsova, N.N. | Effect of ECRH Regime on Characteristics of Short-Wave Turbulence in Plasma of the L-2M Stellarator |
EX/P5-4 | Rice, J.E. | Counter-current Rotation and ITB Formation in Alcator C-Mod LHCD Plasmas |
EX/P5-40 | Tynan, G.R. | Multi-scale Nonlinear Turbulence Dynamics Studies |
EX/P5-41 | Furno, I.F | Turbulence and Transport in Simple Magnetized Toroidal Plasmas |
*Missing* | Dunai, D. | Comparison of turbulence measurement results on the Wendelstein 7-AS stellarator and the TEXTOR tokamak |
EX/P5-43 | Ivanov, A. A. | Steady-State Confinement of Anisotropic Hot Ion Plasma in the Gas Dynamic Trap |
EX/P5-5 | Severo, JHF | Measurement of Temporal Evolution of Plasma Rotation in the TCABR Tokamak |
EX/P5-6 | Tanaka, K | Experimental investigation of particle pinch associated with turbulence in LHD heliotron and JT-60U tokamak plasmas |
EX/P5-7 | Fukumoto, N. | Investigation of compact toroid penetration for fuelling spherical tokamak plasmas on CPD |
EX/P5-8 | Petrov, Y.V. | Central Fueling of Globus-M Plasma with the Help of Coaxial Plasma Gun. |
EX/P5-9 | Weller, A. | International Stellarator/Heliotron Database Activities on High-Beta Confinement and Operational Boundaries |
EX/P6-1 | Herrmann, A. | Filament dynamics and transport in the Scrape-Off-Layer of ASDEX Upgrade |
EX/P6-10 | Raman, R | Solenoid-free Plasma Start-up in NSTX using Transient CHI |
EX/P6-11 | Sontag, A.C. | Current Profile Modification Influence on MHD and Non-Solenoidal Plasma Startup in the Pegasus Toroidal Experiment |
EX/P6-12 | Bucalossi, J | Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating assisted plasma startup in the Tore Supra tokamak |
EX/P6-13 | Igami, H | Electron Bernstein Wave Heating via the Slow X-B Mode Conversion Process with Direct Launching from the High Field Side in LHD |
EX/P6-14 | Kubo, S | Profile control by local ECRH in LHD |
EX/P6-15 | Nagasaki, K | Effect of Magnetic Field Ripple on ECCD in Heliotron J |
EX/P6-16 | Paley, J.I | Real Time Control of Plasmas and ECRH Systems on TCV |
EX/P6-17 | Diem, S.J. | Investigation of Electron Bernstein Wave (EBW) Coupling and its Critical Dependence on EBW Collisional Loss in High-Beta, H-Mode ST Plasmas |
EX/P6-18 | Laqua, H. | Fundamental Investigation of Electron Bernstein Wave Heating and Current Drive at the WEGA Stellarator |
EX/P6-19 | Goetz, J.A. | Lower Hybrid and Electron Bernstein Wave Current Drive Experiments in MST |
EX/P6-2 | Jakubowski, M. | Divertor heat loads in RMP ELM controlled H-mode plasmas on DIII-D |
EX/P6-20 | Nakamura, Yuji | Time Evolution of the Bootstrap Current Profile in LHD Plasmas |
EX/P6-21 | Wilson, J. R. | Lower Hybrid Heating and Current Drive on the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak |
EX/P6-22 | Goniche, M | Effect of Gas Injection during LHCD Experiments in ITER-Relevant Coupling Conditions |
EX/P6-23 | Wukitch, S.J. | Ion Cyclotron Antenna Impurity Production and Real Time Matching in Alcator C-Mod |
EX/P6-24 | Pinsker, R.I. | Experimental Study of Fast Wave Absorption Mechanisms in DIII-D in the Presence of Energetic Ions |
EX/P6-25 | Phillips, C. K. | Spectral Effects on Fast Wave Core Heating and Current Drive |
EX/P6-26 | Turnyanskiy, M. | Current profile control studies on MAST |
EX/P6-27 | Takase, Y. | Parametric Decay Instability During High Harmonic Fast Wave Heating Experiments on the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak |
EX/P6-28 | Okada, H | Velocity Distribution of Fast Ions Generated by ICRF Heating in Heliotron J |
EX/P6-29 | Kumazawa, Ryuhei | Progress towards RF Heated Steady-State Plasma Operations on LHD by Employing ICRF Heating Methods and Improved Divertor Plates |
EX/P6-3 | Kirk, A | ELM power loadings and control on MAST using resonant magnetic perturbations |
EX/P6-30 | Kasahara, H | High harmonic fast wave heating and beam driven ion cyclotron emission behavior in the LHD |
EX/P6-31 | Bobkov, V. | ICRF Antenna Operation with Full W-wall in ASDEX Upgrade |
EX/P6-32 | Gunn, J. P. | Suprathermal electron beams and large sheath potentials generated by RF-antennae in the scrape-off layer of Tore Supra |
EX/P6-33 | Ongena, J | Heating Optimization Studies at JET in support of ITER |
EX/P6-4 | Maingi, R. | Comparison of small ELM characteristics and regimes in Alcator C-Mod, MAST, and NSTX |
EX/P6-5 | Nakashima, Y | Analysis of Pedestal Characteristics in JT-60U H-mode Plasmas Based on Monte-Carlo Neutral Transport Simulation |
EX/P6-6 | Ejiri, A. | Non-inductive Plasma Current Start-up by EC and RF Power in the TST-2 Spherical Tokamak |
EX/P6-7 | Nagata, M | Experimental and Computational Studies of MHD Relaxation Generated by Coaxial Helicity Injection in the HIST Spherical Torus Plasmas |
EX/P6-8 | Tanaka, Hitoshi | Non-Solenoidal Formation of Spherical Torus by ECH/ECCD in LATE |
EX/P6-9 | Yoshinaga, T | Physics Study of EC-Excited Current Generation via Current Jump in CPD |
EX/P8-1 | Fujisawa, A | Oscillatory Zonal Flows Driven by Interaction between Energetic Ions and Fishbone-like Instability in CHS |
EX/P8-10 | Gao, Q. D. | TF ripple induced stochastic diffusion of energetic particles in advanced tokamak configurations on HL-2A |
EX/P8-11 | Chen, wei | Destabilization of the Internal Kink Mode by Energetic Electrons on the HL-2A Tokamak |
EX/P8-12 | Cesario, R. | Search for fishbone-like internal kink instabilities driven by supra-thermal electrons in FTU |
EX/P8-2 | Ichimura, M | Study of Ion Cyclotron Emissions due to DD Fusion Product Ions on JT-60U |
EX/P8-3 | Murakami, S | Radial Profile and Confinement of Energetic Particles during NBI and ICRF Heating in LHD |
EX/P8-4 | Toi, K. | Alfvén Eigenmodes and Geodesic Acoustic Modes Driven by Energetic Ions in an LHD Plasma with Non-monotonic Rotational Transform Profile |
EX/P8-5 | Nishiura, M | Fast-ion transport during repetitive burst phenomena of Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes in the Large Helical Device |
EX/P8-6 | Snipes, J.A | Characterization of Stable and Unstable Alfvén Eigenmodes in Alcator C-Mod |
EX/P8-7 | Pinches, SD | Fast Particle Instabilities in MAST |
EX/P8-8 | Kiptily, V | Recent Progress in Fast-Ion Physics on JET |
EX/P8-9 | Sabot, R | Observation of Fast Particles Modes in Tore-Supra |
EX/P9-1 | Pautasso, G. | Disruptions mitigation in ASDEX Upgrade with the in-vessel fast valve. |
EX/P9-10 | Igochine, V | The role of stochastization in fast MHD phenomena on ASDEX Upgrade |
EX/P9-11 | Blackwell, B.D. | Configurational Effects on Stability and Confinement in the H-1NF Heliac |
EX/P9-12 | De Baar, M.R. | Overview of Tearing Mode Physics and Control program at TEXTOR |
EX/P9-2 | Liu, yi | Study on Stabilization of Tearing mode with ECRH and its resultant transport properties on HL-2A tokamak |
EX/P9-3 | Xiao, C. | Investigations of Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Instabilities in the STOR-M Tokamak |
EX/P9-4 | Ono, Y | Ion and Electron Heating Characteristics of Magnetic Reconnection in TS-3 and UTST Merging Startup Experiments |
EX/P9-5 | Okabayashi, M. | Comprehensive Control of Resistive Wall Modes in DIII-D Advanced Tokamak Plasmas |
EX/P9-6 | Maurer, D. A. | Control of External Kink Modes Near the Ideal Wall Limit Using Kalman Filtering and Optimal Control Techniques |
EX/P9-7 | Drake, J. R. | Reversed-field pinch contributions to resistive wall mode physics and control |
EX/P9-8 | Marrelli, L. | Active Control of Resistive Kink-Tearing Modes in RFX-mod |
EX/P9-9 | Maget, P. | MHD modes associated to hollow current density profile configuration:Experiment and Modelling |
FT/1-1 | Bak, J. S. | Overview of Recent Commissioning Results of KSTAR |
FT/1-2 | Garin, Pascal | The IFMIF/EVEDA Project: Outcome of the first Engineering Studies |
FT/1-3 | Nishitani, T | Fusion technology development for DEMO in the Broader Approach activities |
FT/1-4 | Klinger, T | The construction of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator |
FT/1-5 | Pizzuto, A. | The Fusion Advanced Studies Torus (FAST): a proposal for an ITER satellite facility in support of the development of fusion energy |
FT/2-1 | Yoshida, NY | Reflectivity Reduction of Retro-Reflector Installed in LHD due to Plasma Surface Interaction |
FT/3-1Ra | Kasugai, A | Demonstration of 1MW quasi-CW operation of 170GHz Gyrotron and Progress of EC Technology for ITER |
*Missing* | Litvak, Alexander | Status of Development in Russia of Megawatt Power Gyrotrons for Fusion |
FT/3-1Rc | Rzesnicki, T. | Experimental Investigations on the Pre-Prototype of the 170 GHz, 2 MW Coaxial Cavity Gyrotron for ITER |
FT/4-1 | Brooks, J.N. | Plasma Surface Interaction Issues of an All-metal ITER |
FT/4-2Ra | Philipps, Volker | Development of wall conditioning and tritium removal techniques in TEXTOR for ITER and future fusion devices |
FT/4-2Rb | Wright, G.M. | Hydrogenic Retention of High-Z Refractory Metals Exposed to ITER Divertor Relevant Plasma Conditions |
FT/4-3Ra | Jitsukawa, S | Irradiation Effects on Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels -Mechanical Properties and Modeling- |
FT/4-3Rb | Muroga, T | Compatibility of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels with Liquid Breeders |
*Missing* | Chernov, V.M. | Structural Materials for Fusion Power Reactors - the RF R&D Activities in 2006-2008 |
FT/4-5Ra | Nightingale, M.P S | Development of the JET Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency Heating System in Support of ITER |
FT/4-5Rb | Vulliez, K | Validation of the Load-Resilient Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency Antenna Concept on Tore Supra Plasmas |
FT/P2-1 | Gaganidze, E. | Mechanical Properties of Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels after High Dose Neutron Irradiation |
FT/P2-10 | Fischer, U | Neutronics R&D Efforts in Support of the European Breeder Blanket Development Programme |
FT/P2-11 | Koidan, V.S. | Study of Radiation-Damaged Fusion Materials under High-Power Plasma Stream |
FT/P2-12 | Kawamura, Y. | Studies and Developments of Tritium Recovery System for Blanket of Fusion Reactor in Japan Atomic Energy Agency |
FT/P2-13 | Jordanova, J.D. | Assessment of Radiation Streaming Effect upon Radiation Loads to Inboard TF-coil of DEMO Utilizing HCLL Blanket |
FT/P2-14 | Kizane, G. | Chemical Forms of Tritium in Be Pebbles after Different Treatments |
FT/P2-15 | Lyublinski, I.E. | Main Results and Prospects of Lithium Capillary-Porous System Investigation as Tokamak Plasma Facing Material |
FT/P2-16 | Zalavutdinov, R. Kh. | A–C:H Film Removal in H2 and H2/N2O Glow and Afterglow Discharge |
FT/P2-17 | Nozawa, T. | Evaluation on Failure Resistance to Develop Design Basis for Quasi-Ductile Silicon Carbide Composites for Fusion Application |
FT/P2-19 | Ochiai, Kentaro | Advancement of Nuclear Analysis Method for ITER |
FT/P2-2 | Materna-Morris, E. | Microstructure and tensile properties in reduced activation 8-9% Cr steels at fusion relevant He/dpa ratios, dpa rates and irradiation temperatures |
FT/P2-20 | Luchetta, A | Technology Progress in Real-Time Control of MHD Modes at RFX-mod |
FT/P2-21 | Escourbiac, F. | Definition of workable acceptance criteria for the ITER Divertor plasma facing components through systematic experimental analysis |
FT/P2-22 | Ozeki, T | Development and Demonstration of Remote Experimental System with High Security in JT-60U |
FT/P2-23 | Callis, R.W. | Alternate Concepts for Generating High Speed DT Pellets for Fueling ITER |
FT/P2-24 | Gantenbein, Gerd | Experimental Results of Series Gyrotrons for the Stellarator W7-X |
FT/P2-25 | Imai, T. | Development of 1MW Gyrotron and Progress of ECH System for the GAMMA 10 Tandem Mirror in Tsukuba |
FT/P2-26 | Moriyama, SM | Long Pulse/High Power ECRF System Development in JT-60U |
FT/P2-27 | Hanada, M.H | Development of Long Pulse Neutral Beam Injector on JT-60U for JT-60SA |
FT/P2-28 | Sasao, M. | Development of an Energetic He0 Beam Injector for Fusion Application |
FT/P2-29 | Jones, TTC | The Physics of Design and Operation of High Power Neutral Beam Injection Ducts – Extrapolating JET Experience to ITER Situations |
FT/P2-3 | Baluc, N | Optimization of the Chemical Composition and Manufacturing Route for ODS RAF Steels for Fusion Reactor Application |
FT/P2-30 | Ivanov, A. A. | Focused Neutral Beams with Low Chaotic Divergence for Plasma Heating and Diagnostics in Magnetic Fusion Devices |
FT/P2-31 | Minea, T.M. | Beam-plasma interaction in the ITER NBI |
FT/P2-4 | Nagasaka, T | Progress in Flibe corrosion study toward material research loop and advanced liquid breeder blanket |
FT/P2-5 | Tanigawa, H | R&Ds on Li2TiO3 Pebble Bed for Test Blanket Module in JAEA |
FT/P2-6 | Tsuru, D.T. | Achievements of the Water Cooled Solid Breeder Test Blanket Module of Japan to the Milestones for Installation in ITER |
FT/P2-7 | Chen, Hongli | Preliminary Safety Analysis for the Chinese ITER Dual-Functional Lithium-Lead Test Blanket Module |
FT/P2-8 | Liu, Haibo | Thermal-hydraulic safety study of Chinese helium cooled solid breeder test blanket module for ITER |
FT/P2-9 | Feng, Kaiming | Overview of Design and R&D of solid breeder TBM in China |
FT/P3-1 | Kim, Y.S. | Commissioning Results of the KSTAR Cryogenic System |
FT/P3-10 | Kawashima, h | Divertor Design Study on Compact DEMO Reactor for Handling of Huge Exhaust Power |
FT/P3-11 | Calabro, G. | FAST Plasma Scenarios and Equilibrium Configurations |
FT/P3-12 | Goldston, R. J. | An Experiment to Tame the Plasma Material Interface |
FT/P3-13 | Najmabadi, F | Compact Stellarator Power Plants – Prospects, Technical Issue, and R&D Directions |
FT/P3-14 | Peng, Y.K M | Effects of Physics Conservatism and Aspect Ratio on Remote Handling for compact Component Test Facilities (CTFs) |
FT/P3-15 | Garcia, J | Integrated Modeling of DEMO Advanced Scenarios with the CRONOS Suite of Codes |
FT/P3-16 | Norajitra, P | Status of development of the EU He-cooled divertor for DEMO |
FT/P3-17 | Imagawa, S. | Concept of Magnet Systems for LHD-type Reactor. |
FT/P3-18 | Kozaki, Y. | Design Windows and Cost Analysis on Helical Reactor |
FT/P3-19 | Mitarai, OM | The low temperature and high density ignition in the helical reactor FFHR2m based on LHD experiments |
FT/P3-2 | Oh, Y.K. | Commissioning Results of the KSTAR Superconducting Magnet System for the First Plasma Operation |
FT/P3-20 | Galvao, RMO | Multi-functional Compact Tokamak Reactor Concept |
FT/P3-21 | Wu, Yican | The fusion-fission hybrid reactor for energy production-a practical path to fusion application |
FT/P3-22 | Kuteev, B.V. | Conceptual Analysis of a Tokamak-Reactor with Lithium Dust Jet |
FT/P3-23 | Coppi, B. | Relevant Developments for the Ignitor Program and Burning Plasma Regimes of Special Interest |
FT/P3-24 | Wan, Yuanxi | Risk Analyses and Optimization of Safe Operation for Advanced Superconducting Tokamak |
FT/P3-25 | Hanada, K | Physical Design of MW-class Steady-state Spherical Tokamak, QUEST |
FT/P3-26 | Khripunov, V.I. | 3-D Study of PFC and Dust Activation in ITER |
FT/P3-3 | Park, M.K | Operation Results of KSTAR Integrated Control System for First Plasma |
FT/P3-4 | Yang, H.Y. | KSTAR Assembly and Vacuum Commissioning for the 1st Plasma |
FT/P3-5 | Cucchiaro, A. | Load Assembly Design of the FAST Machine |
*Missing* | Panek, R | Status of the COMPASS Tokamak Re-installation in IPP ASCR |
FT/P3-7 | Tazhibayeva, Irina | KTM Tokamak Project. Present and Future Activity |
FT/P3-8 | Heitzenroeder, P.J. | Design and Construction Solutions in the Accurate Realization of NCSX Magnetic Fields |
FT/P3-9 | Tobita, K | Design Issues on Compact Low Aspect Ratio DEMO Reactor, SlimCS |
IC/P4-1 | Hoffman, A. L. | Hot Steady-State FRCs and the Field Reversed Mirror Concept |
IC/P4-10 | Soto, L | Fusion studies using plasma focus devices from hundred of kilojoules to less than one joule. Scaling, Stability and Fusion Mechanisms |
IC/P4-11 | Yasaka, Y | Studies on Plasma Direct Energy Converters for Thermal and Fusion-Produced Ions Using Slanted Cusp Magnetic and Distributed Electric Fields |
IC/P4-12 | Garnier, D. T. | Confinement Improvement with Magnetic Levitation of a Superconducting Dipole |
IC/P4-13 | Wurden, G. A. | FRCHX Magnetized Target Fusion HEDLP Experiments |
IC/P4-2 | Inomoto, M | Formation and Sustainment of Field-reversed Configuration by Rotating Magnetic Field with Spatial High-harmonic Components |
IC/P4-3 | Belova, E.V. | Simulation Studies of Field-Reversed Configurations with Rotating Magnetic Field Current Drive |
IC/P4-4 | Farengo, R | Current Drive and Heating in a D-3He FRC Reactor, Relaxation in a Flux Core Spheromak and Oscillating Field Current Drive |
IC/P4-5 | Jarboe, T. R. | Spheromak Formation by Steady Inductive Helicity Injection |
IC/P4-6 | Majeski, R. | Performance Projections for the Lithium Tokamak eXperiment (LTX) |
IC/P4-7 | Kotschenreuther, M | The Super X Divertor (SXD) and High Power Density Experiment (HPDX) |
IC/P4-8 | Ryutov, D. D. | A Snowflake Divertor: a Possible Way of Improving the Power Handling in Future Fusion Facilities |
IC/P4-9 | Kruglyakov, E.P. | Thermonuclear Prospects of Modern Mirror Systems |
*Missing* | Mccrory, R. L. | Progress in Direct Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion |
IF/1-2 | Shiraga, H. | Implosion and Heating Experiments of Fast Ignition Targets for FIREX-1 Project |
IF/1-3 | Fernandez, J. C. | Progress on the Development of Ion Based Fast Ignition |
IF/P7-10 | Koester, P. | Fast Electron Transport Studies in Petawatt Laser Irradiation of Solid Dielectric and Metallic Target Materials |
IF/P7-11 | Kong, H. J. | Beam Combined Laser Fusion Driver using Stimulated Brillouin Scattering Phase Conjugation Mirrors |
IF/P7-13 | Labate, L. | Study of fast electron transport dynamics in solids using multispectral, monochromatic X-ray imaging |
*Missing* | Li, D | Effects of Magnetic Field, Viscosity and Shear Flow on the Richtmyer–Meshkov Instability |
*Missing* | Logan, B. Grant | Advances in U.S. Heavy Ion Fusion Science |
IF/P7-16 | Murakami, M. M. | Quest for Impact Fast Ignition |
IF/P7-17 | Nagai, K | Encapsulation of low density plastic foam materials for the fast ignition realization experiment (FIREX) –control of microstructure and density- |
IF/P7-18 | Nagatomo, Hideo | Numerical Study of Advanced Target Design for FIREX-I |
IF/P7-19 | Norimatsu, T | Elemental research on laser fusion reactor KOYO-F |
IF/P7-2 | Tolley, M K | Microtarget Requirements, Production and Delivery for HiPER |
*Missing* | Perlado, JM | Chamber responses and Safety and Fusion Technology in HiPER facility |
IF/P7-21 | Perlado, JMP | Progress in Inertial Fusion and Fusion Technology at DENIM |
IF/P7-22 | Sakagami, H. | Integrated Simulations and Respective Simulation Modeling for FIREX-I |
IF/P7-23 | Sid, A | Weibel Instability in a Bi-Maxwellian Laser Fusion Plasma |
*Missing* | Tanaka, K.A. | Progress in studies of ultra-intense laser plasma interactions for fast ignition FIREX project |
IF/P7-25 | Wolowski, J. | Studies of Phenomena Related to Fast Ignition of a Fusion Target |
IF/P7-26 | Yoshida, H | Development of Target Injection and Tracking for IFE in Japan |
IF/P7-27 | Pavez, C | Experimental Studies in Mega Ampere Gas embedded Z-pinch with Different Initial Conditions of Preionization |
IF/P7-28 | Shumlak, U. | Sheared Flow Stabilization in the Z-Pinch |
*Missing* | Rudraiah, N | Electromagnetohydrodynamic Rayleigh-Taylor Instability at the Ablative Surface of IFE Target Filled with a Poorly Conducting Fluid Layer Bounded Above by a Poro |
IF/P7-3 | Atzeni, S. | Studies on targets for inertial fusion ignition demonstration at the HiPER facility |
IF/P7-30 | Lei, Y.A | Fast Ignition Impact Fusion |
*Missing* | Van Woerkom, L.D. | Progress in Fast Ignition Studies with Electrons and Protons |
*Missing* | Matzen, M.K. | Progess in Pulsed Power Driven Inertial Confinement Fusion at Sandia National Laboratories |
IF/P7-4 | Batani, D. | Fast Electron Propagation In High Density Plasmas Created By Shock Wave Compression |
IF/P7-5 | Chen, M | Theory and simulation of non-local thermal smoothing for arbitrary scale length modulation |
IF/P7-6 | Goto, T. | Conceptual Design of a Fast-Ignition Laser Fusion Reactor FALCON-D |
IF/P7-7 | Hora, H. | Modification of the Bobin-Chu fusion threshold for laser driven block ignition or for spark ignition |
IF/P7-8 | Kawanaka, J.K. | “GENBU”-Laser Development with Cryogenic Yb:YAG Ceramic for Fusion Energy Reactor Driver |
IF/P7-9 | Khaydarov, Rajabbay | Methods improved characteristics of laser source of ions |
IT/1-1 | Alejaldre, C | ITER on the Way to Become the First Fusion Nuclear Installation |
IT/1-2 | Hawryluk, R. J. | Principle Physics Developments Evaluated in the ITER Design Review |
IT/1-3 | Weng, Peide | Results of ITER superconducting magnet R&D |
IT/1-4 | Lowry, C.G | Progress in Design and R&D on ITER Plasma Facing Components |
IT/1-5 | Thomas, PR | ELM physics and ELM Mitigation in ITER |
IT/2-1 | Sakamoto, K | Progress in ITER Heating and Current Drive System |
IT/2-2 | Sips, A.C.C. | Experimental studies of ITER demonstration discharges |
IT/2-3 | Kessel, C. E. | Development of ITER 15 MA ELMy H-mode Inductive Scenario |
IT/2-4Ra | Portone, A. | ITER plasma vertical stabilization |
IT/2-4Rb | Humphreys, D.A. | Experimental Vertical Stability Studies for ITER Performance and Design Guidance |
IT/P6-1 | Izquierdo, J. | European ITER Site Studies: Lessons Learnt in Safety and Licensing |
IT/P6-10 | Bazylev, B. | Simulations of Material Damage to Divertor and First Wall Armour under ITER Transient Loads by Modelling and Experiments |
IT/P6-11 | Landman, I.S. | Integrated Modelling of ITER Plasma Dynamics and Wall Processes Following Type I ELMs and Consequences for Tokamak Operation |
IT/P6-12 | Tereshin, V.I. | Simulation of ITER Transient Heat Loads to the Divertor Surfaces with Using the High Power Quasi-Steady-State Plasma Accelerator |
IT/P6-13 | Loarte, A | Power and particle fluxes at the plasma edge of ITER : Specifications and Physics Basis |
IT/P6-14 | Snyder, P.B. | Pedestal Stability Comparison and ITER Pedestal Prediction |
IT/P6-15 | Kukushkin, A.S. | Analysis of Performance of the Optimized Divertor in ITER |
*Missing* | Roth, J. | A new look at the specification of ITER plasma wall interaction and tritium retention |
IT/P6-17 | Bandyopadhyay, I | Simulations of ITER Disruption and VDE scenarios with TSC and comparison with DINA results |
IT/P6-18 | Whyte, D.G. | Studies of Requirements for ITER Disruption Mitigation Systems |
IT/P6-2 | Kurki-suonio, t | fast ion losses in ITER |
IT/P6-20 | Donné, A.J.H. | Key R&D activities for ITER Diagnostics |
IT/P6-21 | Costley, A.E | Measurement Requirements and the Diagnostic System on ITER: Modifications Following the Design Review |
IT/P6-22 | Litnovsky, A. | Progress in research and development of mirrors for ITER diagnostics |
IT/P6-23 | Ogawa, H | Research and Development of Optical Diagnostics for ITER |
IT/P6-24 | Mukhin, E.E. | Progress in Development of Deposition Prevention and Cleaning Techniques for In-Vessel Optics in ITER |
IT/P6-25 | Walsh, M.J | Performance evaluation of ITER Thomson scattering systems |
IT/P6-26 | Skinner, C.H. | Electrostatic dust detection and removal for ITER |
IT/P6-3 | Kramer, G.J. | Fusion-born alpha Particle Ripple Loss Studies in ITER |
IT/P6-4 | Giruzzi, G. | Integrated modeling of steady-state scenarios for ITER: physics and computational challenges |
IT/P6-5 | Oikawa, T | Benchmarking of Neutral Beam Current Drive Codes as a Basis for the Integrated Modeling for ITER |
IT/P6-6 | Polevoi, A. R. | Assessment of Plasma Parameters for Low Activation Phase of ITER Operation |
IT/P6-7 | Parail, V | Integrated Modelling for ITER in EU |
IT/P6-8 | Buttery, R.J | Multimachine Extrapolation of Neoclassical Tearing Mode Physics to ITER |
IT/P6-9 | La Haye, R.J. | Prospects for Stabilization of Neoclassical Tearing Modes by Electron Cyclotron Current Drive in ITER |
IT/P7-1 | Becoulet, A.J. | A Lower Hybrid Current Drive system for ITER |
IT/P7-10 | Chen, Jiming | ITER first wall fabrication technology in China |
IT/P7-11 | Nishi, Hiroshi | Study on Characteristics of Dissimilar Material Joints for ITER First Wall |
IT/P7-12 | Bongguen, BGH | Progress on the Development of the Fabrication Technology for the ITER First Wall in Korea |
IT/P7-13 | Bruzzone, P. | Qualification Tests and Facilities for the ITER Superconductors |
IT/P7-14 | Zanino, R. | EU Contribution to the Test and Analysis of the ITER Poloidial Field |
IT/P7-15 | Li, W | Recent Progress of GIS/GDC Design and Manufacturing for ITER |
IT/P7-16 | Day, C | Implications of increased gas throughputs at ITER on the torus exhaust pumping system |
IT/P7-17 | Ezato, K | Provisional Procurement Acitivity and R&D's on Divertor HHF Components in JADA |
IT/P7-18 | Kakudate, Satoshi | R&D activities for ITER Blanket Remote Handling equipment |
IT/P7-19 | Siuko, M. | DTP2 - verifying the divertor remote handling equipment for ITER |
IT/P7-2 | Jackson, G.L. | Simulating the ITER Plasma Startup Scenario in the DIII-D Tokamak |
IT/P7-20 | Park, H.K | Progress on the Design of the ITER Tokamak Assembly Tools |
IT/P7-21 | Chung, W. | Design Progress and Analysis for ITER Thermal Shield |
IT/P7-22 | Cho, S. | Status of R&D Activities on the ITER Tritium Storage and Delivery System |
IT/P7-3 | Dremel, M | Cryopump design for the ITER Heating Neutral Beam Injector |
IT/P7-4 | Kashiwagi, Mieko | High energy, high current accelerator development for ITER NBI at JADA |
IT/P7-5 | Watanabe, K | -1 MV DC UHV power supply for ITER NBI |
IT/P7-6 | Nightingale, M.P S | RF and Mechanical Design of the ITER Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency Antenna |
*Missing* | Hemsworth, R.S. | Status of the ITER Heating Neutral Beam System |
IT/P7-8 | Messiaen, a. m. a. | Preparing ITER ICRF: Test of the Load Resilient Matching Systems on an Antenna Mock-up |
IT/P7-9 | Fantz, U | Physical Performance Analysis and Progress of the Development of the Negative Ion RF source for the ITER NBI System |
OV/1-1 | Fasoli, A. | Overview of Physics Research on the TCV Tokamak |
OV/1-2 | Romanelli, F | Overview of JET Results |
OV/1-3 | Oyama, N | Overview of JT-60U Results toward Establishment of Advanced Tokamak Operation |
OV/1-4 | Strait, E.J. | DIII-D Research in Support of ITER |
*Missing* | Holtkamp, Norbert | The Status of the ITER Design |
*Missing* | Moses, E. I. | Ignition on the National Ignition Facility: A Path Towards Inertial Fusion Energy |
OV/2-3 | Zohm, H | Overview of ASDEX Upgrade Results |
OV/2-4 | Komori, A. | Development of Net-Current Free Heliotron Plasmas in the Large Helical Device |
OV/2-5 | Waelbroeck, F.L | Theory and Observations of Magnetic Islands |
OV/3-1 | Gates, D. A. | Overview of Results from the National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX) |
OV/3-2 | Meyer, H | Overview of Physics Results from MAST |
OV/3-3 | Giruzzi, G. | Investigation of Steady-State Tokamak Issues by Long Pulse Experiments on Tore Supra |
OV/3-4 | Wan, Baonian | Recent experiments in the EAST and HT-7 superconducting tokamaks |
OV/4-1 | Azechi, H | Plasma Physics Study and Laser Development for the Fast Ignition Realization Experiment (FIREX) Project |
OV/4-2 | Garbet, X. | Turbulence Theory and Gyrokinetic Codes |
OV/4-3 | Duan, X.R. | Overview of Experimental Results on HL-2A |
OV/4-4 | Marmar, E. S. | Overview of the Alcator C-Mod Research Program |
OV/4-5 | Castejón, F | Overview of TJ-II experiments |
OV/5-1 | Tuccillo, A. A. | Overview of the FTU results |
OV/5-2Ra | Martin, P. | Overview of the RFX-mod results |
OV/5-2Rb | Fiksel, G | Overview of Results in the MST Reversed-Field Pinch Experiment |
OV/5-3 | Norreys, P.A. | Recent Studies in Fast Electron Energy Transport Relevant to Fast Ignition Inertial Fusion |
OV/5-4 | Gusev, V.K. | Overview of Results Obtained at the Globus-M Spherical Tokamak |
OV/P1-1 | Gryaznevich, M. | Results of Joint Experiments and other IAEA activities on Research using Small Tokamaks |
SE/1-1 | Ward, D.J | Economic Consequences of Fusion Materials Development |
SE/P2-1 | Yamazaki, K | Burning Plasma Simulation and Environmental Assessment of Tokamak, Spherical Tokamak and Helical Reactors |
TH/1-1 | Diamond, P.H. | Physics of Non-Diffusive Turbulent Transport of Momentum and the Origins of Spontaneous Rotation in Tokamaks |
TH/2-1Ra | Becoulet, M. | Physics of Penetration of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations Used for Type I Edge Localized Modes Suppression in Tokamaks. |
TH/2-1Rb | Strauss, H. R. | MHD Simulation of Resonant Magnetic Perturbations and ELMs |
TH/3-1 | Poli, E | Behaviour of turbulent transport in the vicinity of a magnetic island |
TH/3-2 | Hudson, S.R. | Temperature gradients are supported by cantori in chaotic fields. |
TH/3-3 | Shimizu, K | Kinetic Modelling of Impurity Transport in Detached Plasma for Integrated Divertor Simulation with SONIC (SOLDOR/NEUT2D/IMPMC/EDDY) |
TH/3-4 | Spong, D. A. | Energetic particle physics issues for three-dimensional toroidal configurations |
TH/3-5 | Vdovin, V.L. | Critical Problems in Plasma Heating/CD in large fusion devices and ITER |
TH/4-1 | Chapman, IT | The Physics of Sawtooth Stabilisation in Tokamak Plasmas |
TH/4-2 | Sen, A | Turbulent Transport and Flow Effects on NTM Evolution and Trigger Mechanisms |
TH/5-1 | Vlad, G. | Particle simulation of energetic particle driven Alfvén modes |
TH/5-2 | Gorelenkov, N.N. | Theory and observations of low frequency eigenmodes due to Alfvén acoustic coupling in toroidal fusion plasma |
TH/6-1 | Toda, S | Theoretical Modelling of Transport Barriers in Helical Plasmas |
TH/7-1 | Ito, A | Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Chemical Sputtering of Hydrogen Atom on Layer Structured Graphite |
TH/8-1 | Holland, C.G. | Validation of Gyrokinetic Transport Simulations Using DIII-D Core Turbulence Measurements |
TH/8-2 | Idomura, Y | Conservative Global Gyrokinetic Toroidal Full-f 5D Vlasov Simulation |
TH/8-3 | Angioni, C. | Gyrokinetic simulations of impurity, He ash and alpha particle transport and consequences on ITER transport modelling |
TH/P3-1 | Murakami, M. | Off-Axis Neutral Beam Current Drive for Advanced Scenario Development in DIII-D |
TH/P3-10 | Kukushkin, A.B. | Electron Cyclotron Power Losses in Fusion Reactor-Grade Tokamaks: Scaling Laws for Spatial Profile and Total Power Loss |
TH/P3-11 | Kolesnichenko, Ya.I. | Sub-GAM modes in Stellarators and Tokamaks |
TH/P3-12 | Yakovenko, Yu.V. | Effect of the Toroidal Asymmetry on the Structure of TAE Modes in Stellarators |
TH/P3-13 | Yatsenko, N.M. | Influence of Anisotropy on Radiation of Any Linear Antenna System in Magnetoplasma |
TH/P3-14 | Chen, L | Gyrokinetic Simulation of Energetic Particle Turbulence and Transport |
*Missing* | Fu, G.Y. | Energetic Particle-induced Geodesic Acoustic Mode |
TH/P3-16 | Ram, A. K. | Electron Cyclotron Current Drive in Spherical Tokamaks with Application to ITER |
TH/P3-17 | Wright, J.C. | ITER Relevant Simulations of Lower Hybrid and Ion Cyclotron Waves with Self-Consistent Non-Maxwellian Species |
TH/P3-18 | Bustos Molina, A. | Kinetic Simulation of Heating and Collisional Transport in a 3D Tokamak |
TH/P3-2 | Yavorskij, V. | Fokker-Planck Modelling of NBI deuterons in ITER |
TH/P3-3 | Salewski, M | Impact of ICRH on the Measurement of Fast Ions by Collective Thomson Scattering in ITER |
TH/P3-4 | Pokol, G | Criteria for runaway electron generation in tokamak disruptions |
TH/P3-5 | Biancalani, A. | Shear Alfvén wave continuous spectrum in the presence of a magnetic island |
TH/P3-6 | Cardinali, A | Minority Ions Acceleration by ICRH: a tool for investigating Burning Plasma Physics |
TH/P3-7 | Zonca, F. | Kinetic theory of Geodesic Acoustic Modes: radial structures and nonlinear excitations |
TH/P3-8 | Fukuyama, A | Advanced Modeling of Cyclotron Wave Heating and Current Drive in Toroidal Plasmas Based on Integro-Differential Full Wave Analysis |
TH/P3-9 | Todo, Y. | Simulation Study of Interaction between Energetic Ions and Alfven Eigenmodes in LHD |
TH/P4-1 | Pacher, G.W. | Operation Window with Mutually Consistent Core SOL Divertor Conditions in ELMy H-Mode: Prospects for Long Pulse Operation in ITER and DEMO |
*Missing* | Park, G. | What is the RMP driven transport and how does it affect ELMs? |
TH/P4-11 | Spineanu, F. | Vortex nucleation in strongly sheared poloidal rotation and effects on velocity saturation and generation of ELM modes |
TH/P4-12 | Lukash, V.E. | Numerical Modeling of Li limiter Experiments in T11-M tokamak |
TH/P4-13 | Mavrin, A.A. | Computation of radial electric field in the turbulent edge plasma of the T-10 tokamak |
TH/P4-14 | Rajkovic, M | Characteristics of Intermittency and ELM Dynamics in the Edge Region of Magnetic Confinement Devices |
TH/P4-15 | Castejón, F | Flux-expansion divertor studies in TJ-II |
TH/P4-17 | D'Ippolito, D. A. | Edge Turbulence, Blob Generation, and Interaction with Sheared Flows |
TH/P4-18 | Hegna, C.C | Intermediate Nonlinear Regimes of Line-tied g mode and Ballooning Instability |
TH/P4-19 | Izzo, V.A. | RMP Enhanced Transport and Rotational Screening in DIII-D Simulations |
TH/P4-2 | Ghendrih, P. | Turbulence and flow interplay in the tokamak edge plasma |
TH/P4-20 | Krasheninnikov, S. I. | Theory and Modeling of Edge Plasma Transport, Plasma-Wall Interactions, and Dust Dynamics |
TH/P4-21 | Pankin, A.Y. | Effects of Transport and Non-thermal Particles on Kinetic H-mode Pedestal Evolution |
TH/P4-22 | Xu, X.Q. | Fully Nonlinear Edge Gyrokinetic Simulations of Kinetic Geodesic-Acoustic Modes and Boundary Flows |
TH/P4-3 | Coster, D.P. | Recent results from edge modelling on ASDEX Upgrade |
TH/P4-4 | Feng, Yuhe | Divertor-Transport Study for Helical Devices |
TH/P4-5 | Gál, K. | Mitigation of ELMs and Disruptions by Pellet Injection |
TH/P4-6 | Maddaluno, G.M. | Edge Plasma Issues of the Tokamak FAST (Fusion Advanced Studies Torus) in Reactor Relevant Conditions |
TH/P4-7 | Hamaguchi, S | Generation of Dust Seeds by Sputtering of Carbon-based Plasma Facing Materials under Low-energy H/D/T Ion Bombardment |
TH/P4-8 | Ohya, K | Modeling of Hydrocarbon Redeposition in the Gaps of Castellated Structures |
TH/P4-9 | Takizuka, T | Two-dimensional Full Particle Simulation of the Flow Patterns in the Scrape-off-layer Plasma for Upper- and Lower- Null Point Divertor Configurations in Tokamak |
*Missing* | Xu, G.S. | Cross-field transport driven by turbulent scattering of particles in tokamaks |
TH/P8-10 | Beidler, C. D. | Results From the International Collaboration on Neoclassical Transport in Stellarators (ICNTS) |
TH/P8-11 | Hallatschek, K. | Diamagnetic GAM Drive Mechanism |
*Missing* | Jenko, F | Multi-Scale, Multi-Mode Gyrokinetic Simulations and Implications for Transport Modelling of Tokamaks and Optimized Stellarators |
TH/P8-13 | Scott, B.D | Global electromagnetic gyrofluid/gyrokinetic computation of turbulence and self consistent rotation in large tokamaks |
TH/P8-14 | Singh, Raghvendra | Nonlinear Excitation of Zonal Flow and Geodesic Acoustic Modes in the Edge of Tokamak Plasma |
TH/P8-15 | Honda, M | Self-consistent Simulation of Torque Generation by Radial Current due to Fast Particles |
TH/P8-16 | Ishizawa, A. | Transport due to Electromagnetic Turbulence in Externally Heated Plasma |
TH/P8-17 | Kishimoto, Y | Multi-scale transport dynamics dominated by multiple dissipation mechanisms near the critical gradient |
TH/P8-18 | Li, J.Q | New characteristics of zonal flows in multi-scale plasma turbulence |
TH/P8-19 | Tokunaga, S | Multi-scale Transport Simulation of Internal Transport Barrier Formation and Collapse |
TH/P8-2 | Onjun, T. | ITER Simulations with Internal and Edge Transport Barriers |
TH/P8-20 | Watanabe, T.-H. | Regulation of Turbulent Transport in Neoclassically Optimized Helical Configurations with Radial Electric Fields |
TH/P8-21 | Na, Y.Su | Transport Simulations of KSTAR Advanced Tokamak Scenarios |
TH/P8-22 | Vlad, M | Nonlinear Dynamics of Impurities in Turbulent Tokamak Plasmas |
TH/P8-23 | Dnestrovskij, A.Yu. | Canonical Profile Transport Model for H-mode Shots in Tokamaks |
TH/P8-24 | Dnestrovskij, Yu. N. | Approach to Canonical Pressure Profiles in Stellarators |
TH/P8-25 | Leonov, V.M. | Modelling of Tokamak Discharges with the Fast Central Response to the Boundary Plasma Perturbations |
TH/P8-26 | Pastukhov, V.P. | Reduction of Cross-Field Plasma Transport in Tokamaks due to Power Input Redistribution and Sheared Flow Profile Modification |
TH/P8-27 | Fülöp, T. | Quasilinear transport fluxes driven by microinstabilities in tokamaks |
TH/P8-28 | Nordman, H | Transport in ITER-like plasmas in neoclassical, fluid and gyrokinetic descriptions |
TH/P8-29 | Weiland, J | Symmetry breaking effects of toroidicity on toroidal momentum transport |
TH/P8-3 | Ludwig, G.O. | Performance Analysis of Compact Tokamak Reactors |
TH/P8-30 | Jolliet, S. | Global Nonlinear Simulations of Ion and Electron Turbulence Using a Particle-In-Cell Approach |
TH/P8-31 | Suwanna, S. | Pedestal Temperature Models with Self-Consistent Calculation of Safety Factor and Magnetic Shear |
TH/P8-32 | Anderson, J | Non-perturbative models of intermittency in ITG drift wave turbulence with zonal flows |
*Missing* | Peeters, A.G. | Gyro-Kinetic Study of Toroidal Momentum Transport |
TH/P8-34 | Aydemir, A. Y. | An Angular Momentum Source in Tokamaks |
TH/P8-35 | Bateman, G. | Integrated Modeling Simulations of Toroidal Momentum Transport in Tokamaks |
TH/P8-36 | Callen, J.D. | Toroidal Rotation In Tokamak Plasmas |
TH/P8-37 | Catto, P. J. | Limitations, Insights and Improvements to Gyrokinetics |
TH/P8-38 | Del-Castillo-Negrete, D. | Non-local models of perturbative transport: numerical results and application to JET experiments |
TH/P8-39 | Ernst, D. R. | Role of Zonal Flows in TEM Turbulence through Nonlinear Gyrokinetic Particle and Continuum Simulation |
TH/P8-40 | Ku, S. | Core and Edge full-f ITG turbulence with self-consistent neoclassical and mean flow dynamics using a real geometry particle code XGC1 |
*Missing* | Lin, Z | Gyrokinetic turbulence simulation of physics basis for transport modeling |
TH/P8-42 | Staebler, G.M. | Testing the Trappes Gyro-Landau Fluid Transport Model With Data From Tokamaks and Spherical Tori |
TH/P8-43 | Terry, P.W. | Role of Impurity Cyclotron Damping in Ion Heating and RFP Turbulence |
TH/P8-44 | Wang, W. X. | Interaction between Turbulence and Neoclassical Dynamics and Its Effect on Tokamak Transport: Gyrokinetic Simulations and Theory |
TH/P8-45 | Picha, R. | Study of ITER Perfomance Based on Different Plasma Geometry |
TH/P8-46 | Sarazin, Y. | Global Gyrokinetic Simulations of rho* and nu* Scalings of Turbulent Transport |
TH/P8-5 | Wang, Aike | A possible model for non-local electron heat transport |
TH/P8-6 | Heikkinen, J.A. | Full f gyrokinetic simulation of tokamak plasma turbulence using ELMFIRE |
TH/P8-7 | Bourdelle, C | Validity of Quasi-Linear Transport Model |
TH/P8-8 | Eriksson, L.G | Influence of RF Fields on Anomalous Impurity Transport in Tokamaks |
TH/P8-9 | Fuhr, G. | Electromagnetic Self-Organization and Transport Barrier Relaxations in Fusion Plasmas |
TH/P9-1 | Katsuro-Hopkins, O. | Global MHD Stability Study of KSTAR High Beta Plasma Equilibria Under Passive and Active Mode Control |
TH/P9-10 | Günter, S. | Three-dimensional effects in tokamaks - How tokamaks can benefit from stellarator research |
TH/P9-11 | Botrugno, A. | Temperature-Gradient-Driven Tearing Modes in the Semicollisional Tokamak Regime |
TH/P9-12 | Aiba, N | Effects of a Toroidal Rotation on the Stability Boundary of the MHD modes in the Tokamak Edge Pedestal |
TH/P9-13 | Furukawa, M. | Suppression of Error-Field-Induced Magnetic Islands by Alfven Resonance Effect in Rotating Plasmas |
TH/P9-14 | Hayashi, N. | Integrated simulation of ELM energy loss and cycle in improved H-mode plasmas |
TH/P9-15 | Ishii, Y. | Plasma Rotation Effects on the Trigger of Reversed Shear Plasma Disruptions |
TH/P9-16 | Miura, H | MHD Simulation of High Wavenumber Ballooning-like Modes in LHD |
TH/P9-17 | Mizuguchi, N | Nonlinear Dynamics of Collapse Phenomena in Heliotron Plasma with Large Pressure Gradient |
TH/P9-18 | Sato, M. | Study of MHD stability beta limit in LHD by hierarchy integrated simulation code |
TH/P9-19 | Suzuki, Y | Theoretical studies of equilibrium beta limit in heliotron plasmas |
TH/P9-2 | Mikhailov, M.I. | Exploration of Configurational Space for Quasi-isodynamic Stellarators with Poloidally Closed Contours of the Magnetic Field Strength |
TH/P9-20 | Tokuda, S | A New Matching Scheme for Resistive Wall Mode Analysis |
TH/P9-21 | Yagi, M. | Multi-scale interaction among neoclassical tearing mode and drift wave turbulence |
*Missing* | Park, Y. S. | Stability Analysis of NTMs and Self-consistent Dynamic Simulation for the Control of Neoclassical Tearing Mode in KSTAR |
TH/P9-23 | Herrera-Velázquez, J.J E | Magnetohydrodynamic Equilibrium with Flow in Toroidal Plasmas and its Relevance to Internal Transport Barriers |
TH/P9-24 | Ilgisonis, VI | Negative Energy Waves and Stability of Rotating Plasmas |
TH/P9-25 | Pustovitov, V.D. | Rotating wall, the error-field-induced torque and the problem of the error field shielding in tokamaks |
TH/P9-26 | Liu, YQ | Modelling Resistive Wall Modes with Self-consistent Inclusion of Drift Kinetic Resonances |
TH/P9-27 | Wilson, H.R | The Interaction between Transport and Reconnection Processes |
*Missing* | Gourdain, P.-A. | Hollow Current Profile Scenarios for Advanced ITER Operations |
TH/P9-29 | Jardin, S. C. | Two-Fluid and Resistive Nonlinear Simulations of Tokamak Equilibrium, Stability, and Reconnection |
TH/P9-3 | Reiman, A.H. | Passive Stabilization of the Vertical Mode in Tokamaks by Localized Nonaxisymmetric Fields |
TH/P9-30 | Shaing, K. C. | Critical Toroidal Rotation Profile for Resistive Wall Modes and Control of Magnetic Islands in Tokamaks |
TH/P9-31 | Militello, F | Interaction of Turbulence and Magnetic Islands |
TH/P9-32 | Zheng, L. J. | Gyrokinetic theory for kinetic analysis of resistive wall modes in ITER |
TH/P9-4 | Hole, M. J. | A generalized relaxed MHD model for 3D equilibria with KAM surfaces |
TH/P9-5 | Dong, Jiaqi | Fast Growth and Sheared Flow Generation in Nonlinear Development of Double Tearing Modes |
TH/P9-6 | Zhang, Cheng | Analysis of the relaxed states for the rotating plasmas with no momentum input |
TH/P9-7 | Cahyna, P. | Optimization of Magnetic Perturbation Spectra for the COMPASS Tokamak |
TH/P9-8 | Benkadda, S. | Nonlinear Dynamics of Magnetic Islands Imbedded in Small Scale Turbulence of Edge Tokamak Plasmas |
TH/P9-9 | Drevlak, M. A. | Computational Study of Magnetic Islands in the W7-X and NCSX Stellarators |