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Author Index "S"

Saarelma, S.
(THP2/10) Impact of Edge
Sabbagh, S.
(EXP2/12) Highly Radiative Plasmas | (EXP3/10) Observation and Control | (ICP/01) Exploration of Spherical
Sabot, R.
(EXP2/13) Investigation of Dimensionless
Sadler, G.
(ITERP1/10) Energetic Particles and
Sagara, A.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (FT2/1) Progress Summary of
Saigusa, M.
(EX8/6) Alfvén eigenmodes and
Saito, K. H. (first author)
(THP1/09) Optimization Study of
Saito, K. N.
(THP1/09) Optimization Study of
Saito, T.
(EX4/6) Plasma Confinement in | (EXP4/08) Characteristics of Hot
Sakakibara, S.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (FT2/1) Progress Summary of
Sakakita, H.
(EX4/4) Reversed Field Pinch | (EXP4/07) Confinement Characteristics of
Sakamoto, K.
(EX2/5) Profile Control and | (ITERP1/16) Progress in RF
Sakamoto, M.
(OV2/3) Recent Progresses on
Sakamoto, R.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (OV4/5) Confinement Physics Study | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (FT2/1) Progress Summary of
Sakamoto, Y.
(EX4/6) Plasma Confinement in | (CD2/EX9/2) Long Sustainment of
Sakasai, A.
(EXP1/17) Particle Confinement and | (EXP4/05) Divertor Charactersitics and | (EXP4/06) Heat and Particle
Sakasai, A. (first author)
(EX6/5) Steady-State Exhaust of
Sakharov, N. V.
(ICP/02) Globus-M Experiment at
Saksagansky, G. L.
(ITERP2/07) Summarized Results of
Sakurai, S.
(EX6/5) Steady-State Exhaust of | (EXP4/05) Divertor Charactersitics and | (EXP4/06) Heat and Particle
Salas, A.
(EX2/4) First plasmas in
Salat, A.
(OV2/4) Overview on W7-AS
Sallander, E.
(EXP3/19) Locked Modes and
Salomaa, R. R. E.
(THP2/10) Impact of Edge
Salpietro, E.
(ITERP1/21) ITER Central Solenoid | (ITERP1/23) The ITER Toroidal
Salzedas, F.
(EXP2/07) Density Limit Investigations
Salzedas, F. J. B.
(CDP/08) Progress in EC
Salzmann, H.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX | (EXP2/02) Experimental Tests of | (EXP2/03) Dimensionally Similar Studies | (EXP2/06) H-mode and Confinement
Samm, U.
(EX1/3) Overview of RI-Mode
Sánchez, E.
(EX2/4) First plasmas in | (EXP1/20) On the Interplay | (THP2/07) Long-Range Correlations and
Sánchez, J.
(EX2/4) First plasmas in
Sanchez, R.
(ICP/06) Physics Issues in | (ICP/07) Design Studies of
Sandmann, W.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Sanford, T. W. L.
(OV3/4) Z-pinch Driven Inertial
Sangster, T. C.
(IF/5) Progress in Fast
Sannazzaro, G.
(ITERP1/24) Integration Test of
Sano, F.
(EX2/5) Profile Control and
Santagiustina, A.
(EX8/5) Error Field Mode
Santini, F.
(OV4/4) Overview of the | (CDP/04) High Density Lower | (EXP2/01) Energy Transport Analysis | (EXP3/01) MHD Studies in
Santoro, R. A.
(TH2/3) High and Low
Santoro, R. T.
(ITERP1/17) ITER Neutral Beam | (ITERP1/25) Progress and Achievements
Santoro, R. T. (first author)
(ITERP1/18) Nuclear Analysis for
Sanuki, H.
(OV4/5) Confinement Physics Study
Sarazin, Y.
(TH1/3) Flux Driven Turbulence
Sardei, F.
(OV2/4) Overview on W7-AS
Sarff, J. S.
(EX4/5) Confinement in the | (THP1/10) Theoretical Studies on
Sarkissian, A.
(EX3/7) Characteristics of Various
Sarksian, K. A.
(EX2/4) First plasmas in | (EXP1/10) Recent Results of
Sasao, H.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies
Sasao, M.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (OV4/5) Confinement Physics Study | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (EXP1/19) Global MHD Modes | (EXP2/14) Potential Turbulence in
Sassi, M.
(OV4/4) Overview of the | (CDP/04) High Density Lower | (EXP2/01) Energy Transport Analysis | (EXP3/01) MHD Studies in
Sätherblom, H.-E.
(EXP3/19) Locked Modes and
Sato, K.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (OV2/3) Recent Progresses on | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (EXP2/14) Potential Turbulence in
Sato, K. N.
(EXP2/14) Potential Turbulence in
Sato, M.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (EX2/5) Profile Control and | (FTP/21) Steady State Heating
Sato, S.
(ITERP1/18) Nuclear Analysis for
Sato, T.
(TH3/3) Nonlinear Simulations of | (THP2/22) Kinetic-Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation Study
Sato, Y.
(EX4/4) Reversed Field Pinch | (EXP4/11) Divertor RFP Experiment
Satoh, S.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (FT2/1) Progress Summary of
Satow, T.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (FT2/1) Progress Summary of
Sattin, F.
(EX4/3) Recent Progress in | (EXP3/14) Plasma-Wall Interactions in
Sauer, M.
(EX1/3) Overview of RI-Mode
Sauter, O.
(EX8/3) Energy Confinement and
Sauthoff, N.
(ITERP1/14) Characterization of Disruption
Savrukhin, P.
(EXP3/04) Some Features of
Sawan, M.
(ITERP1/18) Nuclear Analysis for
Sbitnikova, I. S.
(EXP1/10) Recent Results of
Scarin, P.
(EX4/3) Recent Progress in | (EXP3/14) Plasma-Wall Interactions in
Schachter, J.
(OV2/1) Overview of Recent
Schaffer, M. J.
(EX6/6) Radiative Divertor and | (EXP3/07) The Production and | (EXP4/03) Impurity Control Studies
Schilham, A. M. R.
(CDP/08) Progress in EC
Schilling, G.
(OV2/1) Overview of Recent | (EX1/4) H-Mode Regimes and | (CDP/09) ICRF Heating and | (EXP3/08) Alfvén Instabilities during
Schilling, H.-B.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Schipakin, O.
(ITERP1/18) Nuclear Analysis for
Schissel, D.
(EXP2/08) Experimental Tests of | (ITERP1/07) Latest Results from | (ITERP1/08) Tests of 1-D
Schittenhelm, M.
(ITERP1/10) Energetic Particles and
Schleussner, D.
(FTP/34) Hydrogen Isotope Inventories
Schlögl, D.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Schlosser, J.
(ITERP1/26) The ITER Divertor
Schmidlapp, F. A.
(OV3/4) Z-pinch Driven Inertial
Schmidt, J.
(ICP/06) Physics Issues in | (FTP/04) Science and Technology
Schmidtmann, K.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Schneider, F.
(OV2/4) Overview on W7-AS
Schneider, H.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Schneider, R.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX | (EX3/2) Energy and Particle | (EX3/6) Operational Limits of | (ITERP1/13) 2D Modelling and
Schneider, R. (first author)
(THP2/05) Test of the
Schneider, W.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Schramm, G.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Schüller, F. C.
(CDP/08) Progress in EC | (EXP2/07) Density Limit Investigations
Schultz, J.
(FTP/13) Advanced Tokamak Burning
Schultz, S. D.
(CDP/13) Mode-Converted Electron Bernstein
Schummer, P.
(ITERP2/08) Test Facility TIMO
Schunke, B.
(EXP2/02) Experimental Tests of | (EXP2/03) Dimensionally Similar Studies
Schweer, B.
(EX1/3) Overview of RI-Mode
Schweinzer, J.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX | (EX3/2) Energy and Particle | (EX3/6) Operational Limits of | (EXP1/12) Advanced Tokamak Operation | (EXP2/02) Experimental Tests of | (EXP2/03) Dimensionally Similar Studies | (EXP2/06) H-mode and Confinement | (THP2/05) Test of the
Schweizer, S.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Schwörer, R. R.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Scott, B.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX | (THP2/19) Improving the Theoretical
Scott, B. (first author)
(TH1/5) Self-Consistent Computation of
Scott, H.
(OV2/1) Overview of Recent
Scott, H. A.
(THP2/04) Edge and Coupled
Scott, S. D.
(EXP1/14) Unifying Role of | (EXP2/12) Highly Radiative Plasmas
Scoville, J. T.
(EX8/5) Error Field Mode | (EXP3/10) Observation and Control
Seak, T. F.
(EXP2/13) Investigation of Dimensionless
Seamen, J. F.
(OV3/4) Z-pinch Driven Inertial
Sébelin, E.
(CDP/03) Core and Edge
Segre, S. E.
(OV4/4) Overview of the | (CDP/04) High Density Lower | (EXP2/01) Energy Transport Analysis | (EXP3/01) MHD Studies in
Segui, J. L.
(EXP2/13) Investigation of Dimensionless
Seguin, F. H.
(OV3/3) Recent Advances in
Seidel, U.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX | (EXP1/12) Advanced Tokamak Operation
Seka, W.
(OV3/3) Recent Advances in
Seki, M.
(CD1/4) LHCD Current Profile
Seki, S.
(ITERP1/21) ITER Central Solenoid
Seki, T.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (CDP/12) High Frequency Fast | (EXP2/14) Potential Turbulence in | (FTP/21) Steady State Heating
Seki, Y.
(ITERP2/09) Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics during
Sekiguchi, H.
(FT2/1) Progress Summary of
Sekiguchi, S.
(ITERP1/21) ITER Central Solenoid
Sekimoto, H. (first author)
(FTP/07) Potential of Incineration
Sekine, S.
(EX4/4) Reversed Field Pinch | (EXP4/07) Confinement Characteristics of
Semashko, N. N.
(ITERP2/04) The Development of
Semenov, I.
(THP1/13) The ``Positive'' Magnetic
Semenov, I. (first author)
(EXP3/04) Some Features of
Sen, A. (first author)
(TH2/5) Control of Neoclassical
Senda, I.
(FTP/28) 3-D Electromagnetic Transient
Senju, T.
(EX2/5) Profile Control and
Sentoku, Y.
(IFP/12) Integrated Code Development
Serianni, G.
(EX4/3) Recent Progress in | (EXP3/15) Particle and Energy | (EXP4/07) Confinement Characteristics of
Serra, F.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX | (CDP/11) Comparing High Power
Sesnic, S.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX | (EX8/2) MHD Phenomena at | (EXP1/12) Advanced Tokamak Operation
Sevier, D. L.
(FTP/12) Design Optimization of
Shafranov, V. D.
(THP1/06) Optimisation of Stellarator
Shah, U.
(EX4/5) Confinement in the
Shaing, K. C.
(FTP/04) Science and Technology
Shaing, K. C. (first author)
(THP2/29) Intrinsically Steady-State Tokamaks
Shannon, T. E.
(FT2/4) Suitability and Feasibility
Shapkin, V. V.
(FTP/27) Design, Calculation and
Sharapov, S.
(ITERP1/10) Energetic Particles and | (FTP/05) Fusion Technology Applications | (TH2/4) Collective Phenomena with
Shatalov, G.
(ITERP1/18) Nuclear Analysis for
Shats, M. G.
(EXP1/11) Confinement, Fluctuations, and
Shchepetov, S. V.
(EXP1/10) Recent Results of
Shcherbinin, O. N.
(ICP/02) Globus-M Experiment at
Shelukhin, D. A.
(EX7/5) Experimental Investigation of
Sheng, G.
(FTP/16) Design Activities of
Sheppard, J.
(ITERP1/28) The Divertor Remote
Sherwood, D. V.
(FTP/05) Fusion Technology Applications
Shestakov, V.
(ITERP1/20) Beryllium Interaction with
Shi, M. L.
(EXP2/17) Confinement Studies during
Shigemori, K.
(IFP/12) Integrated Code Development
Shiina, S.
(THP1/09) Optimization Study of
Shikhovtsev, I. V.
(EXP3/17) Experiments on High-$\beta $
Shilov, M.
(EXP3/09) Suppression of Magnetic
Shimada, M.
(EXP1/17) Particle Confinement and | (EXP4/05) Divertor Charactersitics and | (EXP4/06) Heat and Particle
Shimada, M. (first author)
(ITERP1/12) Edge Database Analysis
Shimada, T.
(EX4/4) Reversed Field Pinch | (EXP4/07) Confinement Characteristics of
Shimamoto, S.
(ITERP1/21) ITER Central Solenoid
Shimizu, A.
(OV4/5) Confinement Physics Study | (EXP1/19) Global MHD Modes
Shimizu, K.
(EX6/5) Steady-State Exhaust of | (EXP1/17) Particle Confinement and | (EXP4/05) Divertor Charactersitics and | (EXP4/06) Heat and Particle
Shimomura, Y. (first author)
(OV4/1) ITER Overview
Shimozuma, T.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (FTP/21) Steady State Heating
Shimpo, F.
(FTP/21) Steady State Heating
Shinohara, K.
(EX8/6) Alfvén eigenmodes and | (PDP/03) Core Density Fluctuations
Shinya, K.
(FTP/10) Feasibility Study for
Shirai, H.
(EX1/2) High Performance Experiments | (CD1/1) Heating and Non-inductive | (CD2/EX9/2) Long Sustainment of | (EXP4/06) Heat and Particle | (ITERP1/08) Tests of 1-D | (FTP/12) Design Optimization of | (THP2/17) Verification of Canonical | (PDP/03) Core Density Fluctuations
Shirai, H. (first author)
(EX5/4) Reduced Transport and
Shirai, Y.
(OV4/5) Confinement Physics Study | (EXP1/19) Global MHD Modes
Shiraiwa, S.
(EXP2/15) Comparative Studies of
Shkarofsky, I. P.
(EX3/7) Characteristics of Various
Shoji, M.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (FT2/1) Progress Summary of
Shoji, T.
(FTP/28) 3-D Electromagnetic Transient
Short, R. W.
(OV3/3) Recent Advances in
Shoucri, M.
(EX3/7) Characteristics of Various | (CDP/03) Core and Edge
Shpolyanski, V. N.
(FTP/27) Design, Calculation and
Shumaker, D. E.
(TH1/1) Simulation of Ion-Temperature-Gradient
Sieck, P. E.
(PDP/02) Current Drive Experiments
Sihler, C.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Silva, A.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Silva, C.
(EXP1/20) On the Interplay
Simon, A.
(OV3/3) Recent Advances in
Simonetto, A.
(OV4/4) Overview of the | (CDP/04) High Density Lower | (EXP2/01) Energy Transport Analysis | (EXP3/01) MHD Studies in
Simonin, A.
(FT1/5) European Contributions to
Singh, R.
(THP2/09) Resistive edge modes, | (THP2/11) Time-Dependent One Dimensional
Singh, S.
(IF/5) Progress in Fast
Sinitsky, S. L.
(ICP/11) Fast Heating of
Sipilä, S.
(THP2/10) Impact of Edge
Sironi, M.
(ITERP1/17) ITER Neutral Beam
Siuko, M.
(ITERP1/28) The Divertor Remote
Skeldon, M. D.
(OV3/3) Recent Advances in
Skinner, C.
(OV2/1) Overview of Recent | (CDP/09) ICRF Heating and
Skovoroda, A. A.
(ITERP2/04) The Development of
Skupsky, S.
(OV3/3) Recent Advances in
Skvortsova, N. N.
(EXP1/10) Recent Results of
Slattery, K.
(ITERP1/26) The ITER Divertor
Slutz, S. A.
(IFP/14) Generating High-Brightness Light
Smeets, P. H. M.
(CDP/08) Progress in EC
Smirnov, A. I.
(EXP1/09) Internal Transport Barrier
Smirnov, A. P.
(THP1/10) Theoretical Studies on
Smit, D.
(CDP/08) Progress in EC
Smith, B.
(ITERP1/21) ITER Central Solenoid
Smith, D. L.
(FT2/5) Progress in the
Smith, J.
(EX6/6) Radiative Divertor and
Smithe, D. N.
(CDP/09) ICRF Heating and
Smolik, G.
(ITERP1/20) Beryllium Interaction with
Smolyakov, A.
(TH3/1) Dynamics of Zonal
Snider, R. T.
(EXP2/10) Investigation of Density
Snipes, J. A.
(OV2/1) Overview of Recent | (EX1/4) H-Mode Regimes and | (CDP/14) Modelling of Advanced | (ITERP1/07) Latest Results from
Söldner, F. X. (first author)
(EXP1/06) Towards Steady-State Tokamak
Soikin, V. F.
(ICP/02) Globus-M Experiment at
Sokolov, Yu. A.
(FTP/27) Design, Calculation and
Soldatov, S. V.
(EX7/5) Experimental Investigation of
Sonato, P.
(EX4/3) Recent Progress in | (EXP3/13) Studies on Magnetic | (EXP3/14) Plasma-Wall Interactions in
Soukhanovskii, V.
(OV2/1) Overview of Recent
Soures, J. M. (first author)
(OV3/3) Recent Advances in
Sozzi, C.
(OV4/4) Overview of the | (CDP/04) High Density Lower | (EXP2/01) Energy Transport Analysis | (EXP3/01) MHD Studies in
Spada, E.
(EX4/3) Recent Progress in | (EXP3/15) Particle and Energy
Spadoni, M.
(ITERP1/23) The ITER Toroidal
Speth, E.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX | (FT1/5) European Contributions to
Spielman, R. B.
(OV3/4) Z-pinch Driven Inertial
Spizzo, G.
(EX4/3) Recent Progress in | (EXP3/15) Particle and Energy
Spolaore, M.
(EX4/3) Recent Progress in | (EXP3/15) Particle and Energy
Spong, D. A.
(EX2/1) Investigation of Equilibrium, | (ITERP1/10) Energetic Particles and | (ICP/06) Physics Issues in
Spong, D. A. (first author)
(ICP/07) Design Studies of
Sprott, J. C.
(EX4/5) Confinement in the
Srinivasan, R.
(ICP/03) Spherical Tokamak without
St.-Onge, M.
(EX3/7) Characteristics of Various
Stäbler, A.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX | (CDP/11) Comparing High Power | (EXP1/12) Advanced Tokamak Operation
Staebler, G. M.
(EX5/5) Behavior of Electron | (EX6/6) Radiative Divertor and | (EXP2/08) Experimental Tests of | (EXP2/11) Comparison of L-H
Staebler, G. M. (first author)
(THP2/13) Theory of Enhanced
Stallard, B. W.
(EX5/5) Behavior of Electron | (CD2/EX9/3) Progress Towards Sustainment | (THP2/13) Theory of Enhanced
Stambaugh, R.
(FTP/08) The ARIES-ST Study: | (FTP/12) Design Optimization of
Stambaugh, R. D.
(EX6/6) Radiative Divertor and | (EXP2/10) Investigation of Density | (ITERP1/12) Edge Database Analysis
Stangeby, P.
(OV2/1) Overview of Recent
Stansfield, B.
(EX3/7) Characteristics of Various
Stark, M. A.
(OV3/4) Z-pinch Driven Inertial
Start, D. F. H. (first author)
(CD1/2) Reactor Relevant ICRF
Stefanovskij, A. M.
(ITERP1/10) Energetic Particles and
Steiner, D.
(FTP/08) The ARIES-ST Study:
Stek, P.
(OV2/1) Overview of Recent
Stepanenko, M. M.
(EXP3/05) Studies of the
Stepanov, A. Y.
(CDP/08) Progress in EC
Stepanov, B.
(ITERP1/21) ITER Central Solenoid
Sterk, A. B.
(CDP/08) Progress in EC
Sternini, E.
(OV4/4) Overview of the | (CDP/04) High Density Lower
Sternini, S.
(EXP2/01) Energy Transport Analysis | (EXP3/01) MHD Studies in
Steuer, K.-H.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Still, C. H.
(IFP/03) Laser Beam Smoothing
Stillerman, J.
(OV2/1) Overview of Recent
Stober, J.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX | (CDP/11) Comparing High Power | (EXP1/12) Advanced Tokamak Operation | (EXP2/02) Experimental Tests of | (EXP2/03) Dimensionally Similar Studies
Stoeckl, C.
(OV3/3) Recent Advances in
Stoneking, M. R.
(EX4/5) Confinement in the
Stott, P.
(ITERP1/15) Integration of Diagnostics
Stoyer, M. A.
(IF/5) Progress in Fast
Strait, E. J.
(EX8/1) Effects of Plasma | (CD2/EX9/3) Progress Towards Sustainment
Strait, E. J. (first author)
(EXP3/10) Observation and Control
Strand, P.
(THP2/19) Improving the Theoretical
Strand, P. (first author)
(THP2/18) Predictive Simulations of
Stratton, B. C. (first author)
(OV4/2) Energetic Particle Transport
Strauss, H. R.
(TH3/4) 3D MHD Simulations
Strebkov, Y.
(ITERP1/25) Progress and Achievements
Streibl, B.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX
Strickler, D.
(FTP/04) Science and Technology
Stroth, U.
(OV2/4) Overview on W7-AS
Struve, K. W.
(OV3/4) Z-pinch Driven Inertial
Stubberfield, P. M.
(ITERP1/08) Tests of 1-D
Stubbers, R.
(ICP/12) An Accelerated Beam-Plasma
Stupishin, N. V.
(EXP3/17) Experiments on High-$\beta $
Stutman, D.
(CDP/12) High Frequency Fast
Stygar, W. A.
(OV3/4) Z-pinch Driven Inertial
Subbotin, A. A.
(ICP/06) Physics Issues in | (THP1/16) Two-Point Boundary Value
Subbotin, A. A. (first author)
(THP1/06) Optimisation of Stellarator
Sudo, S.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (OV4/5) Confinement Physics Study | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (EX2/5) Profile Control and
Sugie, H.
(EXP4/13) Control of RFP
Sugie, T.
(EXP4/06) Heat and Particle
Sugihara, M.
(ITERP1/12) Edge Database Analysis
Sugimoto, M.
(ITERP1/21) ITER Central Solenoid
Sugimoto, S.
(EXP4/14) Axial compression of
Sugimoto, Y.
(EXP4/13) Control of RFP
Sugisaki, K.
(EXP4/11) Divertor RFP Experiment
Sugiyama, L. E.
(FTP/14) Recent Results Relevant | (TH3/4) 3D MHD Simulations | (TH3/7) Theory for Angular
Sunahara, A.
(IFP/12) Integrated Code Development
Sunn Pedersen, T.
(EX6/2) Scaling of H-Mode
Suschkov, A. V.
(EXP3/05) Studies of the
Sushkov, A.
(EX8/3) Energy Confinement and
Suter, L. J.
(OV3/1) Recent Advances in | (IFP/03) Laser Beam Smoothing
Suttrop, W.
(OV4/3) Overview of ASDEX | (EX3/2) Energy and Particle | (EX3/6) Operational Limits of | (CDP/11) Comparing High Power | (EXP2/02) Experimental Tests of | (EXP2/03) Dimensionally Similar Studies | (ITERP1/07) Latest Results from | (ITERP1/12) Edge Database Analysis
Suttrop, W. (first author)
(EXP2/06) H-mode and Confinement
Suzuki, H.
(OV1/4) Overview of the | (EX2/3) Plasma Confinement Studies | (FT2/1) Progress Summary of
Suzuki, N.
(FT2/1) Progress Summary of
Suzuki, S.
(CD1/1) Heating and Non-inductive | (ITERP1/26) The ITER Divertor
Suzuki, T.
(ITERP2/05) Development of Tritium | (ITERP2/06) Improvement of Tritium
Sviatoslavsky, I.
(FTP/04) Science and Technology
Swain, D.
(ITERP1/16) Progress in RF | (ICP/01) Exploration of Spherical | (FTP/22) Advanced ICH Antenna
Sykes, A. (first author)
(OV2/5) The Spherical Tokamak
Synakowski, E. J.
(EX5/5) Behavior of Electron | (CD2/EX9/3) Progress Towards Sustainment | (CDP/09) ICRF Heating and | (EXP1/13) Poloidal Rotation and | (EXP1/14) Unifying Role of | (EXP1/15) Observation of Neoclassical | (EXP2/12) Highly Radiative Plasmas | (ICP/01) Exploration of Spherical
Synakowski, E. J. (first author)
(EX5/6) A Comparative Study

IAEA 1999