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(EXP3/05) Studies of the Disruption Prevention by ECRH at Plasma Current Rise Stage in Limiter Discharges / Possibility of an Internal Transport Barrier Producing under Dominating Electron Transport in the T-10 Tokamak

V. V. Alikaev , A. A. Borshegovskij , V. V. Chistyakov , M. M. Dremin , Yu. V. Esipchuk , N. V. Ivanov , A. M. Kakurin , L. I. Khimchenko , N. Kirneva , A. Ya. Kislov , D. A. Kislov , D. V. Kolupin , D. A. Martynov , G. E. Notkin , Yu. D. Pavlov , V. I. Poznyak , K. A. Razumova , I. N. Roj , A. V. Suschkov , M. M. Stepanenko , V. M. Trukhin 
Nuclear Fusion Institute, Russian Research Center ``Kurchatov Institute'', Moscow 123182, Russian Federation

``Studies of the Disruption Prevention by ECRH at Plasma Current Rise Stage in Limiter Discharges'' Studies of disruption prevention by means of ECRH in T-10  at the plasma current rise phase in limiter discharges with circular plasma cross-section were performed. Reliable disruption prevention by ECRH at HF power $\rm (P_{HF})_{min}$ level equal to 20% of ohmic heating power $\rm P_{OH}$ was demonstrated. $\rm m/n=2/1$ mode MHD-activity developed before disruption (with characteristic time $\sim$ 120 ms) can be considered as disruption precursor and can be used in a feedback system.

V. V. Alikaev, A. A. Borschegovskij, V. V. Chistyakov, M. M. Dremin, Yu.V. Esipchuk, N. A. Kirneva, A. Ya. Kislov, D. A. Kislov, A. A. Martynov, T. B. Myalton , G. E. Notkin, V. I. Poznyak, Yu. D. Pavlov, K. A. Razumova, I. N. Roy, A. Sushkov, K. N. Tarasyan , V. M. Trukhin, T-10 Team 
Nuclear Fusion Institute, RRC ``Kurchatov Institute'', Kurchatov Sq., 1, Moscow, Russia, 123182

``Possibility of an Internal Transport Barrier Producing under Dominating Electron Transport in the T-10 Tokamak'' The reversed shear experiments were carried out on T-10 at the HF power up to 1MW. The reversed shear in the core was produced by on-axis ECCD in direction opposite to the plasma current. There are no obvious signs of Internal Transport Barriers formation under condition when high-k turbulence determines the electron transport.

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IAEA 1999