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(EXP1/13) Poloidal Rotation and Radial Electric Fields in TFTR

  (This paper was rapporteured in lecture EX5/3)  

R. E. Bell , S. Batha 1, M. G. Bell , R. V. Budny , D. R. Ernst , D. W. Johnson , B. LeBlanc , F. M. Levinton 1, H. Park , A. T. Ramsey , E. J. Synakowski , G. Taylor , M. C. Zarnstorff 
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, New Jersey, USA
1 Fusion Physics and Technology, Torrance, California , USA

New measurements of the impurity ion poloidal rotation profile have been made in the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR ), allowing the determination of radial electric field profiles. A bifurcation of the impurity poloidal velocity is observed in reversed shear  discharges before the transition to enhanced confinement. Significant differences between measured and neoclassically calculated values of poloidal velocity and radial electric field have been observed. Velocity measurements in a number of confinement regimes (supershot, reversed shear, and L-mode ) suggest that the impurity poloidal velocity profile is correlated with the ion temperature profile.


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IAEA 1999