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(EXP3/08) Alfvén Instabilities during ICRF Minority Heating in TFTR

S. Bernabei , M. G. Bell , R. Budny , D. Darrow , E. D. Fredrickson , J. C. Hosea , R. Majeski , E. Mazzucato , N. Gorelenkov 1, C. K. Phillips , J. H. Rogers 2, G. Schilling , J. R. Wilson , R. White , F. Zonca 3, S. Zweben 
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, P.O. box 451, Princeton N.J. 08543
1 TRINITI, Troitsk, Moscow, Russia 142 092
2 Intevac Inc., 3550 Basset St., Santa Clara, Ca. 95054
3 Associazione EURATOM-ENEA, CRE 00044 Frascati, Italy

High power ICRF minority heating produces an energetic tail in the distribution function of the resonant ions. When the energy in this tail exceeds a certain threshold, various kinds of Alfvénic instabilities can be excited. In TFTR , it is found that modes whose frequencies decrease vs. time cause fast ion losses and in turn a reduced Rf heating efficiency, unlike the usual global TAE. The frequency decrease of the modes is found to correspond to a radial movement of t he mode itself: modelling shows that this feature causes an avalanche of fast ion losses due to a diffusion process. The frequency-decreasing modes play a fundamental role in the stabilization of the sawtooth and in its subsequent crash.


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IAEA 1999