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(EXP1/15) Observation of Neoclassical Transport in Reverse Shear Plasmas on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor

P. C. Efthimion , S. von Goeler , W. A. Houlberg *, E. J. Synakowski , M. C. Zarnstorff , S. Batha **, R. E. Bell , M. Bitter , C. E. Bush *, F. M. Levinton **, E. Mazzucato , D. McCune , D. Mueller , H. Park , A. T. Ramsey , A. L. Roquemore , and G. Taylor 
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08543
* Permanent address: Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37830.
** Permanent address: Fusion Physics and Technology, Torrance, CA 90503

Perturbative experiments on the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR ) have investigated the transport of multiple ion species in reverse shear plasmas. The profile evolution of trace tritium and helium, and intrinsic carbon indicate the formation of core particle transport barriers in ERS plasmas. There is an order of magnitude reduction in the particle diffusivity inside the reverse shear region. The diffusivities for these species in ERS plasmas agree with neoclassical theory.


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IAEA 1999