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M. Ulrickson 1, R. Tivey 2,
M. Akiba 3, T. Ando 2, A. Antipenkov 2,
M. Araki 3, V. Barabash 2, P. Chappuis 4,
S. Chiocchio 2, V. Divavin 7,
D. Driemeyer 5, K. Ezato 3, G. Federici 2,
M. Grattarola 6, G. Janeschitz 2,
E. Kuzmin 7, A. Makhankov 7, I. Mazul 7,
M. Merola 8, K. Nakamura 3, R. Nygren 1,
H. D. Pacher 8, L. Plöchl 9,
B. Riccardi 10, M. Rödig 11,
J. Schlosser 4, K. Slattery 5, S. Suzuki 3,
G. Vieider 8, R. Watson 1, G. Willie 5,
C. H. Wu 8, D. Youchison 1
1 Sandia Nat. Lab, MS-1129, P.O. Box 5800, Albuquerque, NM 87185 USA
2 ITER Joint Work Site, Boltzmannstr.2, 85748 Garching, Germany
3 JAERI, Naka-machi, Ibaraki-ken 311-01 Japan
4 CEA, Cadarache, France
5 Boeing Co., St.Louis, Mo 63134, USA
6 Ansaldo, I-16161 Genova, Italy
7 D.V. Efremov Research Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia
8 NET Team, Boltzmannstr. 2, 85748 Garching, Germany
9 Plansee, A-6600 Reutte, Austria
10 ENEA, I-00044 Frascati, Italy
11 Forschungscentrum Jülich GmbH, D-52425 Jülich, Germany
The divertor ``Large Project'' was conceived with the aim of
demonstrating the feasibility of meeting the lifetime requirements by
employing the candidate armor materials of beryllium, tungsten (W) and
carbon-fiber-composite (CFC). At the start, there existed only limited
experience with constructing water-cooled high heat flux armored components
for tokamaks. To this was added the complication posed by the need to use a
silver-free joining technique that avoids the transmutation of n-irradiated
silver to cadmium. The research project involving the four Home Teams (HTs)
has focused on the design, development, manufacture and testing of full-scale
Plasma Facing Components (PFCs) suitable for ITER. The task addressed all the
issues facing ITER divertor design, such as providing adequate armor erosion
lifetime, meeting the required armor-heat sink joint lifetime and heat sink
fatigue life, sustaining thermal-hydraulic and electromechanical loads, and
seeking to identify the most cost-effective manufacturing options. This paper
will report the results of the divertor large project.
IAEA 1999