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(EXP3/17) Experiments on High-$\beta $ Plasma Confinement in Gas Dynamic Trap

A. A. Ivanov , A. V. Anikeev , P. A. Bagryansky , P. P. Deichuli , A. N. Karpushov , S. A. Korepanov , A. A. Lizunov , V. V. Maximov , S. V. Murakthin , N. V. Stupishin , I. V. Shikhovtsev , K. Noack 1, G. Otto 1
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
1 Forschungszentrum Rossendorf e.V., PF 510119 D-01314 Dresden, Germany

The paper reports on the present state of the Gas Dynamic Trap (GDT) experiment and plasma parameters recently achieved with increased neutral beam power. The measurements indicated plasma beta approaching 0.3 in the vicinities of the turning points of energetic sloshing ions. Energy balance of the energetic sloshing ions with maximal density of $\rm 10^{13} cm^{-3}$ and energies $\sim$ 5-7keV was studied in detail in the regimes with high beta. It was observed that the relaxation and losses of the energetic ions are dominated by classical Coloumb scattering. Also discussed in the paper is power balance of the bulk plasma heated by the neutral beam injection .


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IAEA 1999