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O. Gruber , H.-S. Bosch , S. Günter ,
A. Herrmann , A. Kallenbach , M. Kaufmann , K. Krieger ,
K. Lackner , V. Mertens , R. Neu , F. Ryter ,
J. Schweinzer , A. Stäbler , W. Suttrop ,
R. Wolf , K. Asmussen , A. Bard , G. Becker ,
K. Behler , K. Behringer , A. Bergmann ,
M. Bessenrodt-Weberpals , K. Borrass , B. Braams 1,
M. Brambilla , R. Brandenburg 2, F. Braun ,
H. Brinkschulte , R. Brueckner ,
B. Brüsehaber , K. Büchl ,
A. Buhler , A. Carlson , H. Callaghan 3, D. Coster ,
L. Cupido 4, S. de Peña Hempel ,
C. Dorn , R. Drube , R. Dux , S. Egorov 5,
W. Engelhardt , H.-U. Fahrbach , U. Fantz 6,
H.-U. Feist , P. Franzen , J. C. Fuchs , G. Fussmann ,
J. Gafert , G. Gantenbein 7, O. Gehre , A. Geier ,
J. Gernhardt , E. Gubanka , A. Gude , G. Haas ,
K. Hallatschek , J. Hartmann , B. Heinemann ,
G. Herppich , W. Herrmann , F. Hofmeister ,
E. Holzhauer 7, D. Jacobi , M. Kakoulidis 8,
N. Karakatsanis 8, O. Kardaun , A. Khutoretski 9,
H. Kollotzek , S. Kötterl , W. Kraus ,
B. Kurzan , G. Kyriakakis 8, P. T. Lang ,
R. S. Lang , M. Laux , L. Lengyel , F. Leuterer ,
A. Lorenz , H. Maier , M. Manso 4, M. Maraschek ,
M. Markoulaki 8, K.-F. Mast , P. McCarthy 3,
D. Meisel , H. Meister , R. Merkel , J. P. Meskat 7,
H. W. Müller , M. Münich , H. Murmann ,
B. Napiontek , G. Neu , J. Neuhauser , M. Niethammer ,
J.-M. Noterdaeme , G. Pautasso , A. Peeters ,
G. Pereverzev , G. Raupp , K. Reinmüller ,
R. Riedl , V. Rohde , H. Röhr , J. Roth ,
H. Salzmann , W. Sandmann , H.-B. Schilling ,
D. Schlögl , K. Schmidtmann , H. Schneider ,
R. Schneider , W. Schneider , G. Schramm , S. Schweizer ,
R. R. Schwörer , B. Scott , U. Seidel ,
F. Serra 4, S. Sesnic , C. Sihler ,
A. Silva 4, E. Speth , K.-H. Steuer , J. Stober ,
B. Streibl , A. Thoma , W. Treutterer , M. Troppmann ,
N. Tsois 8, W. Ullrich , M. Ulrich ,
P. Varela 4, H. Verbeek , O. Vollmer , H. Wedler ,
M. Weinlich , U. Wenzel , F. Wesner , R. Wunderlich ,
N. Xantopoulos 8, Q. Yu 10 , D. Zasche ,
T. Zehetbauer , H.-P. Zehrfeld , H. Zohm 7 and
M. Zouhar
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM-IPP Association,
Garching and Berlin, Germany
1 New York University, NJ, USA
2 Technical University of Vienna, Austria
3 University College Cork, Republic of Ireland
4 Centro de Fusão Nuclear, Lisbon, Portugal
5 Efremov Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
6 University of Augsburg, Germany
7 IPF, University of Stuttgart, Germany
8 NSCR Demokritos, Athens, Greece
9 Kurchatov Institute, Moscow, Russia
10 Academia Sinica, Hefei, China
The closed ASDEX Upgrade divertor II ``Lyra'' is capable to handle
heating powers up to 20 MW or P/R of 12 MW/m due to a reduction of maximum
heat flux to the target plates by more than a factor of two compared to the
open divertor I. This reduction is caused by high radiative losses from carbon
and hydrogen inside the divertor region and is in agreement with B2-Eirene
modelling predictions.
At medium densities in the H-mode the type-I ELM behaviour shows no dependence from the heating method (NBI, ICRH). ASDEX Upgrade-JET dimensionless identity experiments showed compatibility of the L-H transition with core physics constraints, while in the H-mode confinement inconsistencies with the invariance principle were established.
At high densities close to the Greenwald density the MHD limited edge pressures, influence of divertor detachment on seperatrix parameters and increasing edge transport lead to limited edge densities and finally temperatures below the critical edge temperatures for H-mode. This results in a drastically increase of the H-mode threshold power and an upper H-mode density limit with gas-puff refuelling. The H-mode confinement degradation approaching this density limit is caused by the ballooning mode limited edge pressures and ``stiff'' temperature profiles relating core and edge temperatures. Repetitive high-field side pellet injection allows for H-mode operation well above the Greenwald density, and moreover higher confinement than with gas fuelling is found up to the highest densities.
Neoclassical tearing modes limit the achievable depending on the
collisionality at the resonant surface. In agreement with the
polarization current model the onset is found to be proportional
to the ion
gyro-radius in the collisionless regime, while higher collisionalities are
stabilizing. The fractional energy loss connected with saturated modes at high
pressures is about 25 %. Reduction of neoclassical mode amplitude and
increase of
has been demonstrated by using phased ECR heating and
current drive in the islands O-point.
Advanced tokamak operation with internal transport barriers for both ions and
electrons have been achieved with flat shear profiles and or with
reversed shear and
. With flat shear a stationary H-mode scenario
was maintained for 40 confinement times and several internal skin times with
and an
, where fishbones keep the
at one.
is limited by either neoclassical tearing modes in case of
flat shear or kink modes with reversed shear .
IAEA 1999