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(ITERP2/06) Improvement of Tritium Accountancy Technology for the ITER Fuel Cycle Safety Enhancement

S. O'Hira 1, T. Hayashi , H. Nakamura , K. Kobayashi , T. Tadokoro , H. Nakamura , T. Itoh , T. Yamanishi , Y. Kawamura , Y. Iwai , T. Arita , T. Maruyama , T. Kakuta , S. Konishi , M. Enoeda , M. Yamada , T. Suzuki , M. Nishi , T. Nagashima , and M. Ohta 
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Tokai, Ibaraki, 319-11 Japan
1 Present address: Tritium Engineering Laboratory, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai 319-1195 Japan

In order to improve the safe handling and control of tritium for ITER fuel cycle, effective ``in-situ'' tritium accounting methods have been developed at Tritium Process Laboratory in Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute under one of the ITER -EDA R&D Tasks. A remote and multi-location analysis of process gases by an application of laser Raman spectroscopy developed and tested could provide a measurement of hydrogen isotope gases with a detection limit of 0.3 kPa for 120 seconds analytical periods. An ``in-situ'' tritium inventory measurement  by application of a ``self assaying'' storage bed with 25 g tritium capacity could provide a measurement with a required detection limit less than 1 % and a design proof of a bed with 100 g tritium capacity.


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IAEA 1999