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(EXP4/13) Control of RFP Dynamics with External Helical Fields

S. Masamune , M. Iida , H. Ueda , Y. Sugimoto , T. Murakami , H. Sugie , K. Ohta , H. Oshiyama 
Department of Electronics and Information Science, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8585, Japan

Attempts have been in progress to control dynamics of the reversed field pinch  (RFP) plasma by use of external helical fields  in the STE-2 . In the quasistatic field experiments, it has been found that combined application of different resonant fields causes enhanced mode coupling. Stability analysis has shown that one of the possible mechanisms for the experimentally observed RFP improvement due to external nonresonant fields is the stabilizing effect of the external current layer to external kink mode  which grows in the time scale of shell time constant. In the rotating resonant helical field experiments, it appears that toroidal rotation of the asymmetric toroidal flux disturbance is either acceletared or decelerated depending on the rotation direction of the helical field. No significant effect has been observed on the global plasma parameters under the present limited experimental conditions.

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IAEA 1999