G. Janeschitz 1, C. Walker 1,
A. Costley 2, L. Dekock 1, K. Ebisawa 2,
P. Edmonds 1, L. Johnson 2, S. Kasai 3,
V. Mukhovatov 2, P. Stott 4, G. Vayakis 2,
S. Yamamoto 1, K. Young 5 and V. Zaveriaev 6
1 ITER Joint Central Team, Garching JWS, 85748 Garching, Germany
2 ITER Joint Central Team, San Diego JWS, San Diego, U.S.A.
3 Japan Atomic Energy Research Institut, Naka-machi, Iberaki-ken,
311-10 Japan
4 JET, Abingdon, United Kingdom
5 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, U.S.A.
6 Kurchatov Institut, Moscow, Russian Federation
This paper defines and discusses the integration of diagnostics
systems into the ITER machine. For each machine region, the key constraints
and solutions adopted are discussed, and illustrated with selected examples.
IAEA 1999