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(THP1/16) Two-Point Boundary Value and Cauchy Formulations in an Axisymmetrical MHD Equilibrium Problem

C. V. Atanasiu 
Institute of Atomic Physics, INFLPR L22, P.O.Box MG 36, 76900 Bucharest, Romania
A. A. Subbotin 
Russian Research Center, I.V.Kurchatov Institute, 123182 Moscow, Russia

In this paper we present two equilibrium solvers for axisymmetrical toroidal configurations, both based on the expansion in poloidal angle method. The first one has been conceived as a two-point boundary value solver in a system of coordinates with straight field lines, while the second one uses a well-conditioned Cauchy formulation of the problem in a general curvilinear coordinate system. In order to check the capability of our moment methods to describe equilibrium accurately, a comparison of the moment solutions with analytical solutions obtained for a Solov'ev equilibrium has been performed.


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IAEA 1999