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(EXP4/06) Heat and Particle Transport of SOL/Divertor Plasma in the W-Shaped Divertor on JT-60U

  (This paper was rapporteured in lecture EX3/1)  

N. Asakura , S. Sakurai , N. Hosogane , K. Itami , K. Shimizu , M. Shimada , A. Sakasai , Y. Koide , O. Naito , H. Tamai , S. Konoshima , H. Kubo , S. Higashijima , H. Takenaga , T. Sugie , H. Shirai , K. Masaki , T. Nakano  and the JT-60 Team 
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute Naka-mach, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 311-0193 Japan

The plasma profile and parallel flow in the scrape-off layer (SOL) were systematically measured using Mach probes installed at the midplane and the divertor x-point. Quantitative evaluation of a parallel flow: naturally produced in a torus to keep the pressure constant along the field line, was consistent with the measurement. Geometry effects of the W-shaped divertor on the divertor plasma and particle recycling  at the newly installed baffle plates were evaluated quantitatively using the edge plasma data.


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IAEA 1999