(This paper was rapporteured in lecture EX7/2)
F. Ryter , J. Stober , W. Suttrop , J. C. Fuchs ,
O. Gruber , H. Meister , H. Murmann , S. de Peña
Hempel , H. Salzmann , J. Schweinzer and the
ASDEX Upgrade Team
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM-IPP Association,
Garching and Berlin, Germany
J. P. Christiansen , G. Huysmans , P. Lomas ,
C. Lowry , B. Schunke , B. Tubbing and JET Team
JET Joint undertaking, Abingdon, OX 14 3EA England
Joint experiments on confinement and L-H transition were
performed in ASDEX Upgrade and JET . The confinement experiments suggest that
the invariance principle is not always fulfilled at high density. For the L-H
transition studies, the dimensionless variables taken at the plasma edge can
be in general only made identical per pair, due to the condition imposed by
the L-H transition. This new approach to investigate the L-H physics suggests
a weak dependence of the L-H transition mechanism on collisionality .
IAEA 1999