Y. Shimomura , R. Aymar , V. Chuyanov ,
M. Huguet , R. R. Parker and the International Thermonuclear
Experimental Reactor (ITER) Joint Central Team and Home Teams
This report summarizes technical works of six years
done by the ITER Joint Central Team and Home Teams under terms of Agreement of
the ITER Engineering Design Activities. The major products are as follows:
complete and detailed engineering design with supporting assessments,
industrial-based cost estimates and schedule, non-site specific comprehensive
safety and environmental assessment, and technology R&D to validate and
qualify design including proof of technologies and industrial manufacture and
testing of full size or scalable models of key components. The ITER design is
at an advanced stage of maturity and contains sufficient technical information
for a construction decision. The operation of ITER will demonstrate the
availability of a new energy source, fusion.
IAEA 1999