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(THP2/10) Impact of Edge Electric Fields on Particle Transport and Dynamics in Tokamaks

O. Dumbrajs , J. A. Heikkinen , S. J. Karttunen , T. P. Kiviniemi , T. Kurki-Suonio , T. J. H. Pättikangas , K. M. Rantamäki , S. Saarelma , R. R. E. Salomaa , S. Sipilä , T. J. J. Tala , P. Bibet 1, X. Litaudon 1, D. Moreau 1, A. Peeters 2, A. Ekedahl 3
Association Euratom-Tekes, Helsinki University of Technology and VTT Energy, Finland
1 Association Euratom-CEA, Cadarache, France
2 Association Euratom-IPP, Garching, Germany
3 JET Joint Undertaking, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 3EA, UK

Three aspects of tokamak edge physics are addressed. Role of radial electric field and poloidal rotation at the L-H transition  is investigated with the Monte Carlo code ASCOT. Ripple ions and their use in measuring edge electric field are studied. Generation of fast electrons and hot spots in the lower hybrid grill region by the RF electric field is investigated with particle-in-cell simulations.

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IAEA 1999