P. Strand , H. Nordman , J. Weiland ,
A. Jarmén
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
J. P. Christiansen
JET Joint Undertaking, Abingdon, UK
Predicitive simulations have been performed on JET dimensionally
similar discharges together with high performance hot-ion H-mode and optimised
shear discharges. The first-principles drift-wave model used in the
simulations predicts global scalings in reasonable agreement with the scalings
observed in the collisionality , isotope and -scans of JET ELMy H-modes.
In contrast to the weak dependence on found in the ELMy H-mode
discharges, effects of finite- are shown to be important in the
simulations of high performance discharges such as the ELM-free hot-ion
H-modes on JET.
IAEA 1999