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(FTP/04) Science and Technology of the 10-MA Spherical Tori

  (This paper was rapporteured in lecture FT1/2)  

M. Peng 
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
(on assignment at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory)
W. Reiersen , S. Kaye , S. Jardin , J. Menard , D. Gates , J. Robinson , F. Dahlgren , L. Grisham , D. Majeski , D. Mikkelsen , M. Ono , J. Schmidt , J. R. Wilson , R. Woolley 
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA
E. Cheng , R. Cerbone 
TSI Research, Inc., 225 Stevens Avenue, Suite #203, Solana Beach, CA 92075, USA
D. Strickler , J. Galambos 
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
I. Sviatoslavsky 
University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA
K. C. Shaing 
University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA
X. Wang 
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 920-93-0417, USA

The scientific parameters and the technology issues for a modest-size Spherical Torus (ST) at 10 MA in plasma current are discussed. This class of devices include a D-T-capable ST experiments (DTST, $\rm R_0$ = 1.2 m) for Proof of Performance for limited pulse lengths and neutron fluences, and a steady-state volume neutron source  (VNS, $\rm R_0$ = 1.1 m) for testing Fusion Energy Components to high neutron fluences. The scientific issues of interest to the DTST include noninductive ramp up  of plasma current in a limited time scale ($\sim$ 40 s), confinement needed for high-Q  burn, behavior of energetic particles , physics and techniques to handle intense plasma exhaust, and the possibility of high performance plasma regimes free of disruptions or large disruption impact. Also of interest to the VNS would be steady state operation using large external current drive possibly at a modest Q ($\sim$ 1-2) achieving significant neutron wall loading ( $\rm\sim 1 MW/m^2$ ) and a configuration relatively amenable for remote maintenance. A much longer time scale would be permitted for noninductive current ramp up. The center leg of the TF coils, possibly multi-turn for DTST and necessarily single-turn for VNS without significant nuclear shielding, is a technical and material issue of unique importance to the ST. Positive-ion Neutral Beam Injection (NBI) and HHFW ($\sim$80 MHz) heating and current drive systems already available to date are likely adequate for the DTST following pulse length extension to $\sim$50 s. For the high densities needed for enhancing the neutron wall loading (to $\sim$ a few MW/$\rm m^2$ ) in a VNS, a negative-ion NBI system may become desired. Given an adequate physics database, the remaining enabling technologies needed by the VNS appear largely similar in nature to those of the ITER EDA  design.


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IAEA 1999