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(CD1/2) Reactor Relevant ICRF Heating in JET D-T Plasmas

The JET Team 1 (presented by D. F. H. Start 2)
1 see Appendix to IAEA-CN-69/OV1/2

JET Joint Undertaking, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom

2 This paper summarises the extensive programme of ICRH experiments in D-T plasmas initiated and carried out by Dr. David Start, who died suddenly in August 1998. The paper has been completed by G. A. Cottrell and F. G. Rimini.

Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ICRH) experiments have been carried out in reactor relevant scenarios  during the Deuterium-Tritium (DTE1) campaign in JET . For the first time it has been possible to assess the deute- rium minority in tritium plasmas (D)T scheme: this produced a steady-state DT fusion power  up to 1.66 MW for input ICRF power of 6 MW. Strong ion heating, with core ion temperature up to 13 keV, has been observed when using $\rm ^3He$ minority heating in both 50:50 D-T and tritium dominated H-mode  plasmas. Second harmonic tritium heating has also been studied and, as expected for JET plasma conditions, it has produced mainly electron heating. Finally, the inverted scenario of tritium minority in deuterium (T)D was successfully demonstrated.


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IAEA 1999