M. Porkolab , P. T. Bonoli , J. Ramos ,
J. Schultz
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts
02139, USA
W. N. Nevins
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, PO Bo x 808 (L-637),
Livermore, CA 94551, USA
A new reduced size ITER-RC superconducting tokamak concept is
proposed with the goals of studying burn physics either in an inductively
driven standard tokamak (ST) mode of operation, or in a quasi-steady state
advanced tokamak (AT) mode sustained by non-inductive means. This is
achieved by reducing the radiation shield thickness protecting the
superconducting magnet by 0.34 m relative to ITER and limiting the burn mode
of operation to pulse lengths as allowed by the TF coil warming up to the
current sharing temperature. High gain () burn physics studies
in a reversed shear equilibrium, sustained by RF and NB current drive
techniques, may be obtained.
IAEA 1999