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(FTP/13) Advanced Tokamak Burning Plasma Experiment

M. Porkolab , P. T. Bonoli , J. Ramos , J. Schultz 
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
W. N. Nevins 
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, PO Bo x 808 (L-637), Livermore, CA 94551, USA

A new reduced size ITER-RC superconducting tokamak concept is proposed with the goals of studying burn physics either in an inductively driven standard tokamak (ST) mode of operation, or in a quasi-steady state  advanced tokamak (AT) mode sustained by non-inductive means. This is achieved by reducing the radiation shield thickness protecting the superconducting magnet by 0.34 m relative to ITER  and limiting the burn mode of operation to pulse lengths as allowed by the TF coil warming up to the current sharing temperature. High gain ($Q \simeq 10$) burn physics studies in a reversed shear  equilibrium, sustained by RF and NB current drive techniques, may be obtained.


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IAEA 1999