X. L. Zou , F. Clairet , L. Colas , C. de
Michelis , P. Devynck , T. Dudok de Wit 1, M. Erba ,
C. Fenzi , X. Garbet , A. Geraud , C. Gil ,
P. Gomez , P. Hennequin 2, F. Imbeaux , E. Joffrin ,
C. Laviron , G. Leclert 3, M. Mattioli ,
J. Misguish , M. Paume , A. L. Pecquet , Y. Peysson ,
R. Sabot , T. F. Seak , J. L. Segui
Association Euratom-CEA sur la fusion contrôlée,
C.E. Cadarache, 13108 Saint Paul lez Durance, France
1 Centre de Physique Théorique Luminy, F-13288 MARSEILLE Cedex 9,
2 Laboratoire PMI, Ecole Polytechnique, 91128 Palaiseau, France
3 LPMI, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy, 54506 Vandoeuvre Cedex,
Similarity experiments have been performed in Tore Supra to
investigate the dimensionless scaling of transport in stationary
regimes. Local and global analyses have shown that in L regimes the
electron transport is nearly gyro-Bohm, electromagnetic, and weakly
collisional, while in ohmic regimes it is gyro-Bohm, electromagnetic, and
strongly collisional. The gyro-Bohm behaviour and electromagnetic nature of
the electron transport have been confirmed by the density and magnetic
fluctuation measurements. Edge cooling experiments have been carried out in
Tore Supra to investigate the transport mechanism. The non local transport
phenomenon has been observed in both OH and LH regimes. Thresholds have been
obtained for the non local transport appearance on the plasma density, current
and the pellet size. This effect is significantly enhanced in the LH heating
regime. Experimental observations suggest that the mechanism governing the non
local transport is unlikely to be linked to the current effects including the
spatial redistribution and the magnetic shear, and the low wavenumber MHD.
IAEA 1999