Y. Hirano , T. Shimada , Y. Yagi , S. Sekine ,
H. Sakakita , H. Koguchi , T. Osakabe , K. Hayase ,
Y. Sato , Y. Maejima and I. Hirota
Electrotechnical Laboratory, 1-1-4 Umezono, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki,
Japan 305
Reversed field pinch (RFP) experiment on a new large machine, TPE-RX
has been started from March 1998. Major and minor radii of TPE-RX are
1.7175m and 0.45m, and the maximum designed plasma current () and
discharge duration are 1MA and 100ms, respectively. TPE-RX is being operated
in the medium region (
) with discharge duration
about 80ms and RFP discharges with good reproducibility are routinely
obtained, where the precise compensation of error field at poloidal gap of
thick shell is indispensable. In a series of initial phase of experiment,
following results are obtained. Non-inductive part of toroidal loop voltage
() as low as 12 V is obtained at low ( 150kA),
but it increases with and becomes 22V at
However, it is shown that is gradually decreasing as the
discharge cleaning has been continued. Further decrease of will
be expected under the improved wall condition. In almost of all discharges,
especially with large ( 250kA) the wall and phase locking of
the MHD fluctuations is observed. However, several discharges without this
mode locking are found in low and low filling pressure cases.
Measurements of electron density (
) by laser
interferometer, electron temperature () by soft x-ray pulse height
analysis and ion temperature () by CV Doppler broadening have been
started. Measured values are
for the discharge with
and reversal/pinch parameters
-0.1/1.6, although it is possible that this high may
correspond to high energy part and low may correspond to the value
near the edge since the radiation profile of CV line is very hollow. An
interesting dependence of plasma rotation on is found in the
Doppler shift measurement of CV line.
IAEA 1999