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(ICP/12) An Accelerated Beam-Plasma Neutron/Proton Source and Early Application of a Fusion Plasma

  (This paper was rapporteured in lecture EX4/2)  

M. Ohnishi , K. Yoshikawa , Y. Yamamoto , C. Hoshino , K. Masuda 
Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan
G. Miley , B. Jurczyk , R. Stubbers , Y. Gu 
Fusion Studies Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA

We measured the number of the neutrons and protons produced by D-D reactions in an accelerated beam-plasma fusion  and carried out the numerical simulations. The linear dependence of the neutron yield on a discharge current indicates that the fusion reactions occur between the background gas and the fast particles, i.e. charge exchanged neutrals  and accelerated ions. The neutron yield divided by (fusion cross section $\times$ ion current $\times$ neutral gas pressure) still possesses the dependence of the 1.2 power of discharge voltage, which shows the fusion reactions are affected by the electrostatic potential built-up in the center. The measured proton birth profiles suggest the existence of a double potential well, which is supported by the numerical simulations.

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IAEA 1999