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(EX3/2) Energy and Particle Control Characteristics of the ASDEX Upgrade `Lyra' Divertor

M. Kaufmann , H.-S. Bosch , A. Herrmann , A. Kallenbach , K. Borrass , A. Carlson , D. Coster , J. C. Fuchs , J. Gafert , K. Lackner , J. Neuhauser , R. Schneider , J. Schweinzer , W. Suttrop , W. Ullrich , U. Wenzel , and ASDEX Upgrade Team 
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM-IPP Association, Garching und Berlin, Germany

In 1997 the new `LYRA' divertor went into operation at ASDEX Upgrade  and the neutral beam heating power was increased to 20 MW by installation of a second injector. This leads to the relatively high value of P/R of 12 MW/m. It has been shown that the ASDEX Upgrade LYRA divertor is capable of handling such high heating powers. Measurements presented in this paper reveal a reduction of the maximum heat flux in the LYRA divertor by more than a factor of two compared to the open Divertor I. This reduction is caused by radiative losses inside the divertor region . Carbon radiation cools the divertor plasma down to a few eV where hydrogen radiation losses become significant. They are increased due to an effective reflection of neutrals into the hot separatrix region. B2-Eirene modelling of the performed experiments supports the experimental findings and refines the understanding of loss processes in the divertor region.


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IAEA 1999