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(EXP2/02) Experimental Tests of Confinement Scale Invariance on JET, DIIID, ASDEX Upgrade and CMOD

  (This paper was rapporteured in lecture EX7/2)  

J. P. Christiansen , R. Budny 4, J. G. Cordey , J. C. Fuchs 1, M. Greenwald 3, O. Gruber 1, A. Hubbard 3, I. Hutchinson 3, G. Huysmans , P. Lomas , C. Lowry , T. C. Luce 2, H. Meister 1, S. de Peña Hempel 1, C. C. Petty 2, F. Ryter 1, H. Salzmann 1, B. Schunke , J. Schweinzer 1, J. Stober 1, W. Suttrop 1, K. Thomsen , B. Tubbing , S. Wolfe 3, Alcator C-MOD Team 3, ASDEX Upgrade Team 1, DIII-D Team 2, JET Team 
JET Joint Undertaking, Abingdon, OX14 3EA, UK
1 Max Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, D-85740 Garching, Germany
2 General Atomics, San Diego, CA 92186-5608, USA
3 MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, Cambridge, MA, USA
4 Princeton University, PPPL, P.O. Box, 451, Princeton, NJ08543, U.S.A.

An international collaboration between JET , DIIID, AUG and CMOD has resulted in four sets of Tokamak discharges which are approximately identical as regards a set of dimensionless plasma variables. The data demonstrates some measure of scale invariance  of local and global confinement but a more accurate matching of scaled density, power etc. is required to make firmer conclusions.


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IAEA 1999