Y. Peysson , M. Goniche , R. Arslanbekov ,
A. Bécoulet , P. Bibet ,
A. Côté 1, C. Côté 1,
Y. Demers 1, P. Froissard , V. Fuchs 1,
Ph. Ghendrih , A. Grosman , J. Gunn 2, D. Guilhem ,
J. H. Harris 3, J. Hogan 4, F. Imbeaux ,
P. Jacquet 1, F. Kazarian , X. Litaudon ,
J. Mailloux , D. Moreau , V. Petrzìlka 5,
R. Pugno 6, K. M. Rantamäki 7,
G. Rey , N. Richard 1, E. Sébelin ,
M. Shoucri 1
Association EURATOM-CEA CEA/Cadarache, 13108 Saint
Paul-lez-Durance Cédex France
1 Centre Canadien de Fusion Magnétique, Varennes, Québec, J3X 1S1,
2 MPB Technologies inc. Pointe-Claire, Québec, Canada
3 Australian National University, Canberra, ACT0200, Australia
4 Oak Ridge National laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenessee, USA
5 Institut of Plasma Physics, 182 21 Praha 8, Czech Republic
6 Consorzio RFX, IGI Padova, 4 Corsi Stati Uniti, Padova, Italy
7 Association EURATOM-TEKES, Espoo, Finland
Characterisation of the core and edge fast electron dynamics during
lower hybrid (LH) current drive experiments is a critical issue in view to
achieve improved plasma performances by tailoring the current density profile
in a steady state manner. At low power input (
), the
localisation of the LH wave absorption exhibits a correlation with the radial
position of the surface in the plasma, as deduced from magnetic
measurements and equilibrium code predictions. Such an effect is observed
either in stationary or transient conditions during LH assisted
ramp-up experiments . The lack of LH power deposition in the core of the
plasma is also
confirmed by analysis of giant sawteeth in combined ICRH-LH scenarios. The
implications of these results for theories of the LH wave dynamics in the
plasma and current density profile control are discussed. LH power dissipation
at the plasma edge, which may lead to anomalous heat loads on components
magnetically connected to the radiating waveguide array is investigated
theoretically and experimental data are compared to calculations. The key role
played by the fraction of high-n values of the LH wave power spectrum
as well as the edge plasma density in the acceleration of thermal electrons is
identified, and the possibility of an additional driving force is also
discussed. The effect of the shape of the LH waveguide septa is analysed both
theoretically and experimentally.
IAEA 1999