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(CDP/09) ICRF Heating and Profile Control Techniques in TFTR

C. K. Phillips , M. G. Bell , R. E. Bell , S. Bernabei , M. Bettenhausen 1, C. E. Bush 2, D. Clark , D. Darrow , E. Fredrickson , G. R. Hanson 2, J. Hosea , B. LeBlanc , R. Majeski , S. S. Medley , R. Nazikian , M. Ono , H. Park , M. P. Petrov 3, J. H. Rogers , G. Schilling , C. Skinner , D. N. Smithe 1, E. J. Synakowski , G. Taylor  and J. R. Wilson 
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA
1 Mission Research Corporation, Newington, VA 22122, USA
2 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831, USA
3 A.F. Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

In fast wave to ion Bernstein wave mode conversion experiments in DT supershot plasmas, localized efficient ion heating rather than electron heating was observed, due to Doppler-broadened tritium cyclotron resonance overlap into the mode conversion region. The ion temperature heat pulse associated with RF power modulation in this regime could provide a diagnostic tool for measuring the local ion thermal conductivity in various confinement regimes. In direct-launch ion Bernstein wave heating experiments, core power coupling was limited by the excitation of parasitic edge modes. However, a sheared poloidal flow was observed that is consistent in both magnitude and direction with theoretical models based on RF-driven Reynolds stress. With the modest power coupled to the core ($\sim$ 360 kW), the magnitude of the observed flow was estimated to be a factor of 3-4 too low to trigger transport barrier formation through localized shear suppression of turbulence.


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IAEA 1999