(This paper was rapporteured in lecture FT1/2)
D. C. Robinson , R. Akers , S. J. Allfrey ,
A. Bond 1, T. Hender , P. J. Knight ,
O. J. Kwon 2, K. G. McClements , G. P. Maddison ,
S. Medvedev 3, J. Mustoe 4,
M. O'Brien , C. Roach , S. Sharapov 5,
D. V. Sherwood 4, G. M. Voss and H. R. Wilson
EURATOM/UKAEA Fusion Association, Culham Science Centre,
Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3DB, UK
1 Reaction Engines Ltd
2 Taegu University, Republic of Korea
3 Keldysh Institute, Moscow, Russia
4 NNC Limited, Knutsford, UK
5 JET Joint Undertaking, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3EA, UK
Fusion technology applications of the spherical tokamak are
presented, exploiting its high capability, normal conducting TF coils,
compact core, high natural elongation, disruption resilience and low capital
cost. We concentrate here on two particular applications: a
volume neutron source (VNS) for component testing and a power plant,
addressing engineering
and physics issues for steady state operation. The prospect of nearer term
burning plasma ST devices are discussed in the conclusions.
IAEA 1999