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(OV4/4) Overview of the FTU Results

F. Alladio , B. Angelini , M. L. Apicella , G. Apruzzese , E. Barbato , M. R. Belforte 1, L. Bertalot , A. Bertocchi , M. Borra , G. Bracco , A. Bruschi 2, G. Buceti , P. Buratti , A. Cardinali , C. Castaldo 1, C. Centioli , R. Cesario , P. Chuilon , C. Cianfarani 1, S. Ciattaglia , S. Cirant 2, V. Cocilovo , F. Crisanti , R. de Angelis , F. de Marco , B. Esposito , M. Finkenthal 3, K. Fournier 4, D. Frigione , L. Gabellieri , G. Gatti , E. Giovannozzi , W. H. Goldstein 4, C. Gourlan , F. Gravanti , G. Granucci 2, B. C. Gregory 5, M. Grolli , F. Iannone , H. Kroegler , M. Leigheb , G. Maddaluno , G. Maffia , M. Marinucci , M. May 3, G. Mazzitelli , P. Micozzi , F. Mirizzi , F. P. Orsitto , D. Pacella , V. Pericoli-Ridolfini , L. Pieroni , S. Podda , G. B. Righetti , F. Romanelli , F. Santini , M. Sassi , S. E. Segre 6, A. Simonetto 2, E. Sternini , C. Sozzi 2, N. Tartoni , B. Tilia , A. A. Tuccillo , O. Tudisco , V. Vitale , G. Vlad , V. Zanza , M. Zerbini , F. Zonca 
Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione, CRE Frascati, 00044, Frascati, Roma, Italy
1 ENEA fellow
2 Associazione Euratom-ENEA-CNR sulla Fusione, Milano, Italy
3 The John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218, USA
4 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Livermore, CA 94550, USA
5 Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS), Montreal, Canada
6 INFM and Il Universitá di Roma `Tor Vergata', Roma, Italy

An overview over the Frascati Tokamak Upgrade results during the period 1996-1998 is presented. Most of the activity has been devoted to the investigation of the electron heat transport with flat/nonmonotonic safety factor profiles. Up to 14 keV of electron temperature have been obtained using electron cyclotron resonance heating  (ECRH) on the current ramp. The transport analysis shows a very low electron heat transport  in the region with flat/monotonic safety factor profile. The electron thermal conductivity is strongly dependent on the MHD activity  and it drops to values of the order $\rm0.1m^2/s$ in the absence of MHD fluctuations. Upon varying the resonance position in steady state conditions the effect of the ECRH on the sawtooth stabilization has been also investigated. Lower hybrid current drive studies have been performed in order to investigate the dependence of the current drive efficiency with density. Previous results of the Alcator C tokamak pointed out that at high density rather low efficiency values were obtained. The investigation carried out on FTU  shows that such a result can be explained as due to the electron temperature dependence of the current drive efficiency. No degradation of the current drive efficiency is indeed observed on FTU even at density values of the order $\rm 10^{20}m^{-3}$. Ion Bernstein wave (IBW) heating studies have been also carried out in order to check the behaviour of wave-plasma coupling which is found in agreement with linear theory. Finally, impurity transport studies  have been carried out. It has been possible to have a direct measurement of the flux of Mo33 which turns out to be in agreement with the expectation of quasilinear theory.


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IAEA 1999