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(EXP3/15) Particle and Energy Transport in the RFX Experiment

V. Antoni 1, P. Martin 1, M. Bagatin 1, R. Bartiromo , R. Bilato 1, T. Bolzonella 1, A. Buffa 1, A. Canton , R. Cavazzana 1, D. Desideri 1, P. Franz 1, L. Garzotti , D. Gregoratto , P. Innocente , A. Intravaia 1, E. Martines , S. Martini , L. Marrelli , M. Moresco 1, A. Murari 1, R. Paccagnella , R. Pasqualotto 1, G. Serianni , E. Spada , G. Spizzo , M. Spolaore 1, L. Tramontin , D. Terranova , P. Zanca 1
Consorzio RFX - Corso Stati Uniti 4, 35127 Padova, Italy
1 these authors are also members of INFM, Unità di Padova

The particle and energy transport mechanisms have been investigated in RFX . In the core the particle diffusivity and thermal conductivity are consistent with a stochastic magnetic field model. At the edge particle transport is mainly driven by electrostatic fluctuations, whereas radiation, electrostatic and magnetic turbulence account only for 50% of the total energy losses.


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IAEA 1999