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(THP2/01) The L-H Transition and the Stability of
Session THP2 - Theory 2 (Transport) (Friday, 23 October)
(THP2/01) The L-H Transition and the Stability of the Edge Pedestal
(THP2/02) Electromagnetic
mode turbulence at the plasma edge
(THP2/03) Turbulence Studies in Tokamak Boundary Plasmas with Realistic Divertor Geometry
(THP2/04) Edge and Coupled Core/Edge Transport Modelling in Tokamaks
(THP2/05) Test of the Predictive Capability Of B2-Eirene on ASDEX-Upgrade
(THP2/06) Nonlinear Full Torus Calculations of Resistive Pressure-Gradient-Driven Turbulence and Ion-Temperature-Gradient-Driven Turbulence in Toroidal Geometry
(THP2/07) Long-Range Correlations and Universality in Plasma Edge Turbulence
(THP2/09) Resistive edge modes, a scenario for the L-H transition due to heat flux
(THP2/10) Impact of Edge Electric Fields on Particle Transport and Dynamics in Tokamaks
(THP2/11) Time-Dependent One Dimensional Model of MARFES, Detached Plasmas in Divertor Scrape-Off Layer of a Tokamak
(THP2/13) Theory of Enhanced Core Confinement Regimes in Tokamaks
(THP2/14) Evolution of Thermal Ion Transport Barriers in Reversed Shear / Optimised Shear Plasmas
(THP2/15) Interpretation of Transport Barriers and of Subneoclassical Transport in the Framework of the Revisited Neoclassical Theory
(THP2/17) Verification of Canonical Profiles and Semi Empirical Transport Models Against JT-60U Plasmas
(THP2/18) Predictive Simulations of High Performance and Dimensionless Scaling Experiments on JET
(THP2/19) Improving the Theoretical Foundations of the Multi-Mode Transport Model
(THP2/21) Linear and Nonlinear Study of Fast Particle Excitation of Alfvén Eigenmodes
(THP2/22) Kinetic-Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation Study of Fast Ions and Toroidal Alfvén Eigenmodes
(THP2/23) Global Alfvén Eigenmodes Stability in Thermonuclear Tokamak Plasmas
(THP2/24) Stability Analysis of Energetic Ion Alfvén Mode and Kinetic Ballooning Mode in Tokamaks
(THP2/25) Behavior of MeV Ions in the Presence of Sawtooth Oscillations in TFTR and JET
(THP2/26) Simulation Study on Avoiding Runaway Electron Generation by Magnetic Perturbations
(THP2/27) Modelling of Ripple Loss of Partially Thermalized Charged Fusion Products in TFTR
(THP2/28) Numerical and Theoretical Studies of Turbulence and Transport with E
B Shear Flows
(THP2/29) Intrinsically Steady-State Tokamaks
(THP2/30) Effect of Rotation on Ideal and Resistive MHD Modes
(THP2/31) Improvement of MHD Stability in Negative/Weak Shear Configurations for a Steady State Tokamak
(THP2/32) Flow Shear Stabilization of Hybrid Electron-Ion Drift Mode in Tokamaks
(THP2/33) Instability Threshold of Neoclassical Tearing Mode, Double Tearing Mode and Off-Axis Sawteeth Crash in Tokamaks
(THP2/34) Generation of Plasma Rotation by ICRH in Tokamaks
(THP2/35) Effect of the Radial Electric Field, Induced by Alfvén Waves, on Transport Processes in Tokamaks
(THP2/36) Self-Consistent Calculations of the Power Deposition and Velocity Distribution during ICRH Including Finite Orbit Widths, Spatial RF-Induced Drift and Diffusion
(THP2/37) Self-Consistent Quasilinear Fokker-Planck - Maxwell Modelling of Ion Cyclotron Resonance Heating in Tokamak Plasmas
(THP2/38) Fast Responses in L/H Transition
IAEA 1999