X. Q. Xu , R. H. Cohen , G. D. Porter ,
T. Rognlien , D. D. Ryutov , J. R. Myra 1,
D. A. d'Ippolito 1, R. Moyer 2,
R. J. Groebner 3
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California,
United States of America
1 Lodestar Research Corporation, Boulder, CO 80301 USA
2 University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA
3 General Atomics, San Diego, CA 92186 USA
Results are presented from the 3D nonlocal
electromagnetic turbulence code BOUT and the
linearized shooting code BAL for studies of
turbulence in tokamak boundary plasmas and its relationship to the
L-H transition , in a realistic divertor plasma geometry. The key
results include:
(1) the identification of the dominant resistive X-point mode in divertor
geometry and (2) turbulence suppression in the L-H transition by shear in the
drift speed, ion diamagnetism and nite polarization. Based on
the simulation results, a parameterization of the transport is given that
includes the dependence on the relevant physical parameters.
IAEA 1999