A. Jaun 1, A. Fasoli 23,
J. Vaclavik 4, L. Villard 4
1 Alfvén Laboratory, EURATOM-NFR Association, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden
2 Plasma Science and Fusion Center, MIT, Cambridge MA, USA
3 JET Joint Undertaking, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 3EA, United Kingdom
4 CRPP, Association EURATOM-Confédération Suisse, EPFL, Switzerland
Relying on the good agreement observed between the gyrokinetic
PENN model and the low n damping measurements from JET , the
stability of Alfvén
eigenmodes (AE) is here predicted for reactor relevant conditions. Full
non-local wave-particle power transfers are computed for the
-particles in an ITER reference equilibrium, showing that low modes are strongly damped and intermediate with a
global radial extension are stable with a damping rate
. Even though an excitation of -particle driven instabilities
remains in principle possible, this study suggests that realistic operation
scenarii exist where all the AEs of global character are stable.
IAEA 1999