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(THP2/25) Behavior of MeV Ions in the Presence of Sawtooth Oscillations in TFTR and JET

Ya. I. Kolesnichenko 1, V. V. Lutsenko 1, R. B. White 2, Yu. V. Yakovenko 1, S. Zweben 2
1 Scientific Centre ``Institute for Nuclear Research'', Kyiv, 252650, Ukraine
2 Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ, 08543, USA

Flux of alpha particles  to the wall induced by sawtooth crashes in TFTR  DT shots has been observed to be very inhomogeneous in poloidal direction. A theory is developed, which reveals two main physical mechanisms responsible for the alpha loss in these experiments and describes the observed flux distribution. An interpretation of the ICRF minority heating experiments on JET  where the ``hot spot'' (a strongly localized gamma ray and neutron emitting region) disappeared after a crash is suggested.


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IAEA 1999