A. L. Rogister
Institut für Plasmaphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH,
EURATOM Association, Trilateral Euregio Cluster, D-52425 Jülich, Germany
``Subneoclassical'' heat fluxes are predicted in the high
collisionality regime by the revisited neoclassical theory , which includes the
roles of Finite Larmor Radius effects and Inertia, that we published
earlier. Unlike conventional neoclassical theory, the revisited theory further
provides a non degenerate ambipolarity constraint which defines unambiguously
the radial electric field. Together with the parallel momentum equation, the
ambipolarity constraint leads, under some conditions, to radial electric field
profiles with high negative shear akin to those observed in spontaneous edge
transport barriers . The predictions of the theory are outlined, with emphasis
laid on the interpretation of experimental results such as magnitude of the
jumps, width of the shear layer, local scaling laws. Extension of the theory
to triggered transitions and cold pulse propagation studies is suggested.
IAEA 1999