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(THP2/26) Simulation Study on Avoiding Runaway Electron Generation by Magnetic Perturbations

S. Tokuda , R. Yoshino , T. Matsumoto , S. R. Hudson , Y. Kawano , T. Takizuka 
Naka Fusion Research Establishment, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka-machi, Naka-gun, Ibaraki-ken, 311-0193, JAPAN

Simulations have demonstrated that magnetic islands having the widths expected on the major disruption cause the collisionless loss of the relativistic electrons, and that the resultant loss rate is high enough to avoid or to suppress the runaway generation. It is because, for the magnetic fluctuations in the disruption, the loss of the electron confinement due to the breakdown of the toroidal momentum conservation overwhelms the runaway electron confinement due to the phase-averaging effect of relativistic electrons. Simulation results agree closely with recent experiments on fast plasma shutdown, showing that it is possible to prevent the generation of runaway electrons .

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IAEA 1999