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(THP2/02) Electromagnetic $\eta _i$ mode turbulence at the plasma edge

  (This paper was rapporteured in lecture TH1/7)  

A. Zeiler , K. Hallatschek , D. Biskamp 
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association, 85748 Garching, Germany
J. F. Drake , B. N. Rogers 
Institute for Plasma Research, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA

Electromagnetic toroidal $\eta _i$ mode turbulence is investigated linearly and nonlinearly for parameters typical for the plasma edge. The linear eigenmodes  are shifted to longer wavelength while the growth rate remains unchanged, thus a mixing length estimate would predict an increase of the transport rates. Nonlinear simulations, however, exhibit a strong drop of the transport rates, when electromagnetic effects are taken into account. This reduction of the transport rates is associated with a fundamental change in the dominant scale lengths and saturation of the underlying turbulence. Specifically, magnetic reconnection  plays a dominant role in the nonlinear evolution. Therefore magnetic fluctuations should generally be included in simulations of $\eta _i$ mode turbulence.

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IAEA 1999