(This paper was rapporteured in lecture TH1/7)
A. Zeiler , K. Hallatschek , D. Biskamp
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM Association, 85748
Garching, Germany
J. F. Drake , B. N. Rogers
Institute for Plasma Research, University of Maryland, College
Park, MD 20742, USA
Electromagnetic toroidal mode turbulence is investigated
linearly and nonlinearly for parameters typical for the plasma edge. The
linear eigenmodes are shifted to longer wavelength while the growth rate
remains unchanged, thus a mixing length estimate would predict an increase of
the transport rates. Nonlinear simulations, however, exhibit a strong drop of
the transport rates, when electromagnetic effects are taken into account. This
reduction of the transport rates is associated with a fundamental change in
the dominant scale lengths and saturation of the underlying
turbulence. Specifically, magnetic reconnection plays a dominant role in the
nonlinear evolution. Therefore magnetic fluctuations should generally be
included in simulations of mode turbulence.
IAEA 1999