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(THP2/06) Nonlinear Full Torus Calculations of Resistive Pressure-Gradient-Driven Turbulence and Ion-Temperature-Gradient-Driven Turbulence in Toroidal Geometry

L. Garcia  and J. D. Alvarez 
Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain
J. N. Leboeuf , V. E. Lynch , and B. A. Carreras 
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, United States of America

Resistive pressure-gradient-driven turbulence  (RPGDT) and ion-temperature-gradient-driven turbulence  (ITGDT) seem to play a critical role in explaining the measured transport in tokamaks. The former at the plasma edge, and the latter at the plasma core. However, numerical calculations based on these types of instabilities have been limited to flux tube geometry or limited by numerical resolution. Here, we present results for three-dimensional calculations in the full torus geometry.

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IAEA 1999