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(FTP/01) Power Balance in Stellarator Reactors
Session FTP - Fusion Technology (Wednesday, 21 October)
(FTP/01) Power Balance in Stellarator Reactors
(FTP/02) Coil System of a Helias Reactor
(FTP/04) Science and Technology of the 10-MA Spherical Tori
(FTP/05) Fusion Technology Applications of the Spherical Tokamak
(FTP/06) A low aspect ratio tokamak transmutation system
(FTP/07) Potential of Incineration of Long-Life Fission Products from Fission Energy System by D-T and D-D Fusion Reactors
(FTP/08) The ARIES-ST Study: Assessment of the Spherical Tokamak Concept as Fusion Power Plants
(FTP/09) Design of Tokamak Plasma with High Tc Superconducting Coils
(FTP/10) Feasibility Study for Very High Aspect Ratio Tokamak Fusion Reactor
(FTP/12) Design Optimization of JT-60SU for Steady-State Advanced Operation
(FTP/13) Advanced Tokamak Burning Plasma Experiment
(FTP/14) Recent Results Relevant to Ignition Physics and Machine Design Issues
(FTP/15) The Aspect Ratio and Plasma Elongation Dependencies of Tokamak-Reactor Parameters
(FTP/16) Design Activities of a Fusion Experimental Breeder
(FTP/18) Design Windows of Laser Fusion Power Plants and Conceputual Design of Laser-Diode Pumped Slab Laser
(FTP/21) Steady State Heating Technology Development for the LHD
(FTP/22) Advanced ICH Antenna Designs for Heating and Current Drive on ITER and NSTX
(FTP/24) Development of 1 MW Output Power Level Gyrotron for ITER ECRH System
(FTP/26) Conceptual Design of Pebble Drop Divertor
(FTP/27) Design, Calculation and Experimental Studies for Liquid Metal System Main Parameters in Support of the Liquid Lithium Fusion Reactor
(FTP/28) 3-D Electromagnetic Transient Characteristics of In-Vessel Components in Tokamak Reactor
(FTP/34) Hydrogen Isotope Inventories in Plasma Facing Components of ASDEX Upgrade
(FTP/37) Present Status of SiCf/SiC Composites as Low-Activation Structural Materials of Fusion Reactor in Japan
(FTP/40) Evaluation of
Emissions in the Life Cycle of Tokamak Fusion Power Reactors
(FTP/41) A Survey on Publications in Fusion Research and Technology Science and Technology Indicators in Fusion R&T
IAEA 1999