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(FTP/02) Coil System of a Helias Reactor

  (This paper was rapporteured in lecture FT1/3)  

J. Kißlinger , C. D. Beidler , E. Harmeyer , F. Herrnegger , H. Wobig , W. Maurer 
Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, EURATOM-Ass. D-85748 Garching, Federal Republic of Germany

The magnetic fields of Advanced Stellarator configurations can be generated by 3D-shaped modular coils . The shapes of these coils are calculated for a given Helias field configuration. This method allows one to optimize the field according to criteria of optimum plasma performance in a preceding step. The coil system of the Helias reactor  considered here is roughly four times as large as the Wendelstein 7-X  device and produces about the same field configuration. The maximum field strength of 10T at the coils is small enough to use NbTi superconductors  at 1.8K. The `cable-in-conduit ' conductor is designed for a nominal current of 37.5 kA and has an aluminium alloy jacket. In order to reduce the maximum field on the conductor, the winding pack of each coil is split into two rectangular parts with 9x16 turns each. These two sub-winding packs are in a common enclosing coil housing with a central web for mechanical stiffening. The coils are mutually connected by support elements forming a toroidal vault. Finite-element calculations show that the coils tend to become more circular and planar under the magnetic force load and require local reinforcements of the coil housings.


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IAEA 1999