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(CDP/02) High Power RF Systems for Long Pulse
Session CDP - Plasma Heating and Current Drive (Tuesday, 20 October)
(CDP/02) High Power RF Systems for Long Pulse Operation on TORE SUPRA and Planned Upgrades
(CDP/03) Core and Edge Electron Dynamics during Lower Hybrid Current Drive Experiments
(CDP/04) High Density Lower Hybrid Current Drive and Ion Bernstein Waves Heating Experiments on FTU
(CDP/05) ECRH and ECCD Experiments in an Extended Power Range at the W7-AS Stellarator
(CDP/06) Sawtooth control by on-axis electron cyclotron current drive on the WT-3 tokamak
(CDP/07) Electron Cyclotron Heating at 140 GHz on FTU Tokamak in Steady-State Conditions and During Current Ramp-Up
(CDP/08) Progress in EC Heating and Current Drive Physics and Technology at RTP
(CDP/09) ICRF Heating and Profile Control Techniques in TFTR
(CDP/11) Comparing High Power Ion Cyclotron Resonance Frequency Heating with Neutral Injection in ASDEX Upgrade: Differences, Similarities and Synergies
(CDP/12) High Frequency Fast Wave Results from the CDX-U Spherical Torus
(CDP/13) Mode-Converted Electron Bernstein Waves for Heating and Current Drive in NSTX
(CDP/14) Modelling of Advanced Tokamak Physics Scenarios in ALCATOR C-Mod
(CDP/15) Quasi-steady State High Confinement at High Density by LH Waves in the HT-6M Tokamak
(CDP/16) Structure and Parameters Dependences of Alfvén Wave Current Drive Generated in the Low-Field Side of Simulated Spherical Tokamaks
IAEA 1999