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(ITERP1/07) Latest Results from the ITER H-Mode Confinement
Session ITERP1 - ITER EDA 1 (Thursday, 22 October)
(ITERP1/07) Latest Results from the ITER H-Mode Confinement and Threshold Databases
(ITERP1/08) Tests of 1-D Transport Models, and their Predictions for ITER
(ITERP1/09) Assessment and Modeling of Inductive and Non-Inductive Scenarios for ITER
(ITERP1/10) Energetic Particles and Runaway Electrons in ITER
(ITERP1/11) Neoclassical Islands,
-Limits, Error Fields, and ELMs in Reactor-Scale Tokamaks
(ITERP1/12) Edge Database Analysis for Extrapolation to ITER
(ITERP1/13) 2D Modelling and Assessment of Divertor Performance for ITER
(ITERP1/14) Characterization of Disruption Phenomenology in ITER
(ITERP1/15) Integration of Diagnostics into the ITER Machine
(ITERP1/16) Progress in RF Heating (IC, EC and LH) Design and R&D during ITER EDA
(ITERP1/17) ITER Neutral Beam System
(ITERP1/18) Nuclear Analysis for ITER
(ITERP1/20) Beryllium Interaction with Steam or Air in ITER under Accident Conditions
(ITERP1/21) ITER Central Solenoid Manufacturing R&D
(ITERP1/23) The ITER Toroidal Field Model Coil (TFMC) Development Programme
(ITERP1/24) Integration Test of ITER Full-Scale Vacuum Vessel Sector
(ITERP1/25) Progress and Achievements of the ITER L-4 Blanket Project
(ITERP1/26) The ITER Divertor Cassette Project
(ITERP1/28) The Divertor Remote Maintenance Project
IAEA 1999