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(EXP3/01) MHD Studies in FTU Plasmas with Low
Session EXP3 - MHD Stability & Alternate Confinement Systems (Friday, 23 October)
(EXP3/01) MHD Studies in FTU Plasmas with Low and Negative Magnetic Shear
(EXP3/03) Observation of Neo-Classical Tearing Modes in JET
(EXP3/04) Some Features of the Disruption Instability in Reversed Shear TFTR Plasmas
(EXP3/05) Studies of the Disruption Prevention by ECRH at Plasma Current Rise Stage in Limiter Discharges / Possibility of an Internal Transport Barrier Producing under Dominating Electron Transport in the T-10 Tokamak
(EXP3/06) Forecast of TEXT Plasma Disruptions Using Soft X-Rays as Input Signal in a Neural Network
(EXP3/07) The Production and Confinement of Runaway Electrons with Impurity ``Killer'' Pellets in DIII-D
(EXP3/08) Alfvén Instabilities during ICRF Minority Heating in TFTR
(EXP3/09) Suppression of Magnetic Islands Through Synchronous and Asynchronous Application of Resonant Magnetic Fields
(EXP3/10) Observation and Control of Resistive Wall Modes
(EXP3/11) Characteristics of Halo Current in JT-60U
(EXP3/12) Tokamak Discharge Test with Ferritic First Wall Simulating Vacuum Vessel
(EXP3/13) Studies on Magnetic Dynamics in RFX
(EXP3/14) Plasma-Wall Interactions in RFX
(EXP3/15) Particle and Energy Transport in the RFX Experiment
(EXP3/17) Experiments on High-
Plasma Confinement in Gas Dynamic Trap
(EXP3/18) Theoretical and Experimental Study for Possibility of Nuclear Burn Wave Initiation in Z-Pinch due to M=0 Instability Development
(EXP3/19) Locked Modes and Plasma-Wall Interaction in a Reversed-Field Pinch with a Resistive Shell and Carbon First Wall
(EXP3/20) Collisional Transport in Nonneutral Plasmas
IAEA 1999