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(EXP2/01) Energy Transport Analysis of High Temperature and
Session EXP2 - Confinement & Transport (Wednesday, 21 October)
(EXP2/01) Energy Transport Analysis of High Temperature and High Density FTU Plasma Discharges
(EXP2/02) Experimental Tests of Confinement Scale Invariance on JET, DIIID, ASDEX Upgrade and CMOD
(EXP2/03) Dimensionally Similar Studies of Confinement and H-mode Transition in ASDEX Upgrade and JET
(EXP2/04) Improved Confinement, High-
Regimes and Edge Behaviour on the COMPASS-D Tokamak with High Power ECRH and LHCD
(EXP2/06) H-mode and Confinement Studies in ASDEX Upgrade
(EXP2/07) Density Limit Investigations near and Significantly above the Greenwald Limit on the Tokamaks TEXTOR-94 and RTP
(EXP2/08) Experimental Tests of Transport Models Using Modulated ECH
(EXP2/09) Comprehensive Energy Transport Scalings Derived from DIII-D Similarity Experiments
(EXP2/10) Investigation of Density Limit Processes in DIII-D
(EXP2/11) Comparison of L-H Transition Measurements with Physics Models
(EXP2/12) Highly Radiative Plasmas for Local Transport Studies and Power and Particle Handling in Reactor Regimes
(EXP2/13) Investigation of Dimensionless Scaling Laws and Non Local Transport in TORE SUPRA
(EXP2/14) Potential Turbulence in Tokamak Plasmas
(EXP2/15) Comparative Studies of a Spherical Tokamak and a Conventional Tokamak: Magnetic Turbulence-Induced Transport
(EXP2/17) Confinement Studies during LHCD and LHW Ion Heating on HL-1M
IAEA 1999