IAEA Meetings in 2013 »
Announcement Code: 41987 (T1-CN-199)
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International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles: Safe Technologies and Sustainable Scenarios (FR13)
Paris, France
4-7 March 2013 Conference ID: 41987  (T1-CN-199)
Organized by the
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Hosted by the
Government of France
through the
French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
and the
French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN)
  • Presentations NEW
  • Proceedings Order Form
  • Programme
    Online registration has closed however participation is still possible by sending your completed Participation Form (Form A) through the competent official authority (Ministry of Foreign Affairs or National Atomic Energy Authority) to the IAEA. A participant will be accepted only if the Participation Form is transmitted through the competent official authority of a Member State of the IAEA or by an international organization invited to participate (EC, OECD-NEA). Should you require the contact details of one of these offices please contact the conference coordinator: m.khaelss@iaea.org.
  • Announcement (PDF), (Word)
  • Participation Form (Form A) PDF, Word
  • Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) PDF, Word (closed)
  • Grant Application Form (Form C) PDF, Word (closed)
  • Bank Information Form (PDF), (Word)
  • Visa Information
  • Logistical Information
  • Poster guidelines
  • Local Organizer’s Website
  • IAEA Proceedings Paper Template
    To download the template, right-click on the icon to the left and select "Save Link As" from the menu. The corresponding Winzip archive contains the template itself as well as the guidelines for using it.
  • Q: Are Oral and Poster presentations required to be submitted as a paper?
    A: YES, All contributions are

    Q: Deadline of the paper submission?
    A: 30 November, 2012

    Q: The maximum amount of pages?
    A: 10 pages

    Q: In which format to submit?
    A: word.doc format (mandatory to use the provided template)

YOUNG GENERATION'S EVENT (YGE) [General Information]

It is generally recognized that long term development of nuclear power as part of the world's future energy mix will require fast reactor technology with closed fuel cycle.

Fast reactors have been brought in the last decades to a high level of maturity by the design, construction and operation of experimental and prototype reactors. The IAEA provides a unique framework to assure that involved member states share their experience and contribute to the overall development and safe deployment of the fast reactors and related fuel cycle technologies.

For the second time in continuation with the previous edition of the International Fast Reactor and Related Fuel Cycles Conference held in Kyoto, Japan in 2009 (FR09), the IAEA launches once again on Thursday, March 07 2013 the Young Generation’s Event (YGE) at the FR13 Conference in Paris.

This event represents a great opportunity for seven young academics and professionals to present in a panel discussion their visions and ideas as well as to intereact in a living discussion with outsdanding experts from the Fast Reactor and Related Fuel Cycles community.

These seven young panelists will be nominated as spokeperson for thematic working groups organized within a specific YG side event. This side event will take place on Wednesday afternoon March 6 2013 at the FR13 Conference in Paris and is dedicated to all registered and nominated participants that are not older than 35 years. The aim of this side event is to discuss the optimal format as well as topics and questions for the subsequent YGE panel discussion. Registered participants of this working group will be invited to a social event in Paris on Wednesday evening hosted by CEA and local organizers from Young Generation Networks.

In preparation of the YGE, the IAEA launched a YouTube video competition in November 2012. In January five young people submitting a video with their ideas and projects in the Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles field were selected to participate at the FR13 Conference. Their active participation in the YGE side event is one keyelement to assure the success of the YGE Panel discussion. All video contributions are available on: http://www.youtube.com/fr13yge.

Registration of FR13 participants not older than 35 years for the YG side event is recommended and possible, either on site during the general registration for the FR13 conference or, preferably, in advance sending an email to Mr Christoph Angster (c.angster@iaea.org). When registering at the YG side event, people may also suggest topics to be discussed at the YGE.

For more information concerning the FR13 Conference, please visit our web-site:
ANNOUNCEMENT A. Introduction

The last major international conference on fast reactors, FR09, was held in Japan in 2009. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) now proposes, almost four years later, to bring the fast reactor and related fuel cycle community together again.

The nuclear industry has from its inception recognized the important role of fast reactors and related fuel cycles in ensuring the long term sustainability of nuclear power. Fast reactors operated in a closed fuel cycle help to improve the utilization of resources — both fissile and fertile materials — used in nuclear fuels. This improvement is possible because fast reactors can breed fissile materials and, using modern fuel cycle technologies, recycle materials bred in these reactors. In this way, fast reactors and related fuel cycle technologies can make an enormous contribution to the sustainability of nuclear energy production. They have the potential to produce a hundred times more energy from natural uranium resources. At the same time, fast neutrons favour fission of heavy atoms, instead of capture, so they can also be used to transmute minor actinides (MA) thereby reducing the demands on geological repositories for the final disposal of nuclear waste.

Many countries are actively developing reactor, coolant, fuel and fuel cycle technologies. Reactor technologies under development include sodium- , lead- , gas-, molten salt- and even supercritical water-cooled systems and technologies and accelerator-driven systems. In parallel, several demonstration projects, ranging from small to large scale, are under study or construction.

For such nuclear energy systems to become viable for industrial deployment in the coming decades, designers will have to increase their level of safety in order to gain public acceptance. Harmonization of safety standards at the international level could play a leading role in achieving these goals.

B. Objectives

The conference will provide a forum to exchange information on national and international programmes, and more generally new developments and experience, in the field of fast reactors and related fuel cycle technologies. A first goal is to identify and discuss strategic and technical options that may have been proposed by individual countries or companies. Another goal is to promote the development of fast reactors and related fuel cycle technologies in a safe, proliferation resistant and economic way. A third goal is to identify gaps and key issues that need to be addressed in relation to the industrial deployment of fast reactors with a closed fuel cycle. A fourth goal is to engage young scientists and engineers in this field, in particular with regard to the development of innovative fast reactor concepts.

C. Topics

The IAEA welcomes high quality contributions, both academic and practice-based, that fall under the umbrella of the following topics:

1. National or multi-national strategy and programmes
2. Fast reactor safety:
- Safety by design approaches, safety of equipment
- Harmonization of safety requirements and approaches
- Probabilistic and deterministic approaches and studies
- Severe accidents
3. Fuel cycle options and processes
- Safety of processes and facilities
- Waste minimization
- Partitioning and transmutation
4. Reactor concept designs
- System design
- Cores, coolant technology
- Design and qualification of components
- In-service inspection and repair, instrumentation
5. Economics, performance and scenarios of industrial deployment
- Transition to fast reactors
- Management of materials
- Reliability, availability, public acceptance
- Business case for investment
6. Proliferation resistance and physical protection
7. Fast reactor fuels
- Driver fuels, MA bearing fuels and targets
- Design, manufacturing, thermo-physical properties, irradiation experiments and post-irradiation examinations
8. Structural materials
- Qualification of materials for early deployment
- Innovative materials for improved performance
9. Experiments, tests and simulation
- Modelling, verification, validation
- Recent experimental results or projects
- Fundamental issues
10. Operating and decommissioning experience
- Safety feedback
- Radiological impact
11. Skills, capabilities, professional development, knowledge management, international networks

D. Conference Structure

The conference programme will consist of an opening plenary session, a general plenary session, several parallel technical sessions, a poster session, two panels, and a closing plenary session.

E.1.Contributed Papers and Posters

All papers — other than invited review papers — must present original work and must not have been published elsewhere.

(a) Submission of abstracts

Abstracts must be sent electronically (no paper copies) using the template provided on the conference website (pdf format) to: FR13.papers@iaea.org by 31 August 2012.

The abstract should not exceed 150 words. The abstract must be in English and give sufficient information on the contents of the proposed paper to enable the Paper Selection Committee to evaluate it. Introductory and general matters should not be included. Please use the sample abstract on the conference website.

In addition, the abstract must also be submitted, together with a completed Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) and the Participation Form (Form A), to one of the competent official authorities of the participant’s country (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs or National Atomic Energy Authority), or to an organization invited to participate, for subsequent transmission to the IAEA (preferably electronically) to: official.mail@iaea.org, to reach the IAEA also by 31 August 2012.

IMPORTANT: only abstracts that have been received by the above deadline and through the appropriate official authority will be considered.

(b) Acceptance of papers for oral presentation and poster presentation

In order to provide ample time for discussion, the number of papers that can be accepted for oral presentation is limited. If the number of relevant and high quality papers submitted for selection exceeds the acceptable number, some of them will be selected for poster presentation.

Authors will be informed by 30 September 2012 whether their papers have been accepted for submission of a full paper and, as appropriate, for presentation at the conference, either orally or as a poster. The IAEA, however, reserves the right to refuse the presentation or publication of any paper that does not meet expectations based on the information given in the abstract. Full papers will be distributed in a compiled electronic format (unedited) free of charge to all participants upon registration. Questions relating to the contributed papers can be raised at the appropriate technical session or panel discussion.

(c) Submission of full papers

Full papers must be sent electronically (no paper copies) in Microsoft Word format directly to: FR13.papers@iaea.org by 30 November 2012.
The full paper should not exceed ten pages. Guidelines and a template for the preparation and submission of full papers will be available on the conference website.

(d) Presentation of posters

Guidelines for the preparation of a poster will be made available on the conference website in due course.

E.2. Conference Proceedings

The proceedings containing summaries of the plenary and technical sessions as well as full papers presented at the conference will be published by the IAEA as soon as possible after the conference. The proceedings can be ordered, at a special discounted price, during the conference.

F. Participation and Registration

All persons wishing to participate in the conference are requested to register online in advance (see Section O). In addition, they must send a completed Participation Form (Form A), the Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) (if applicable), and the Grant Application Form (Form C) (if applicable) as soon as possible to the competent official authority for subsequent transmission to the IAEA (preferably electronically) to: official.mail@iaea.org.

A participant will be accepted only if the Participation Form is submitted to the IAEA through one of the competent official authorities. These authorities include:

• Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
• National Atomic Energy Authority; and
• Invited organizations (European Union, the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development).

Participants whose official designations have been received by the IAEA will receive further information on the conference at least three months before the start of the conference. This information will also be available on the conference website.

G. Expenditures/Grants

No registration fee is charged to participants.

The IAEA is generally not in a position to bear the travel and other costs of designated participants in the conference. The IAEA has, however, limited funds at its disposal to help meet the cost of attendance of selected specialists from Member States eligible to receive technical assistance under the IAEA’s technical cooperation programme. Such assistance may be offered, upon specific request, provided that in the IAEA’s view a participant will make an important contribution to the conference. In general, not more than one grant will be awarded to any one country.

If Governments wish to apply for a grant on behalf of one of their specialists, they should address specific requests to the IAEA (preferably electronically to: official.mail@iaea.org) to this effect. Governments should ensure that applications for grants are:

1. Submitted by 31 August 2012 at the latest;
2. Accompanied by a duly completed and signed Grant Application Form (Form C);
3. Accompanied by a completed Participation Form (Form A); and
4. Accompanied by a completed Form for Submission of a Paper (Form B) (if applicable).

Applications that do not comply with the above conditions cannot be considered.

Approved grants will be issued in the form of a lump sum payment that usually covers only part of the cost of attendance.

H. Distribution of Documents

A preliminary programme will be posted on the IAEA conference website as soon as possible (see Section O). The final programme and the electronic compendium of papers will be available free of charge upon registration at the conference.

I. Exhibitions

Space will be available for display/exhibits by commercial vendors during the conference. This space is perfectly located in the lobby between the meeting rooms. Interested exhibitors should contact the Local Organizing Committee by email as soon as possible:

Ms Sylvie Delaplace
French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN)
5, rue des Morillons
F-75015 Paris, France
Email: FR13@sfen.fr

J. Working Language

The working language of the conference will be English.

K. Conference Venue and Accommodation

The conference will be held at the Palais des Congrès de Paris, Paris, France.
Detailed information on accommodation and other administrative matters will be sent directly to all designated participants approximately three months before the conference. This information will also be made available on the conference website, in due course.

L. Visas

Designated participants who require a visa to enter France should submit the necessary application to the nearest diplomatic or consular representative of France as soon as possible. Please note that France is a Schengen State and therefore persons who require a visa will have to apply for a Schengen visa. In States where France has no diplomatic mission, visas can be obtained from the consular authority of a Schengen Partner State representing France in the country in question.

M. Key Deadlines and Dates

31 August 2012 Submission of abstracts including Forms A and B through official channels to the IAEA (official.mail@iaea.org). Advance copy to: FR13.papers@iaea.org

31 August 2012 Submission of grant applications: Forms A and C through official channels to the IAEA (official.mail@iaea.org)

30 Sep 2012 Notification of acceptance of abstract

30 Nov 2012 Submission of full papers (only upon request by the IAEA) to: FR13.papers@iaea.org

Persons interested in participating in the conference but not submitting a paper must nevertheless submit a completed Participation Form (Form A) through official channels to the IAEA (official.mail@iaea.org) as soon as possible.

N. Conference Secretariat

General postal address of the IAEA Secretariat:
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100
Fax: +43 1 2600 7
Email: official.mail@iaea.org

Scientific Secretaries (IAEA):

Mr Stefano Monti
Nuclear Power Technology Development Section
Division of Nuclear Power
Tel.: +43 1 2600 22812
Email: FR13.papers@iaea.org

Mr Uddharan Basak
Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Materials Section
Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology
Tel.: +43 1 2600 22771
Email: FR13.papers@iaea.org

Administration and organization (IAEA):

Ms Martina Khaelss
Conference Services Section
Division of Conference and Document Services
Tel.: +43 1 2600 21315
Email: M.Khaelss@iaea.org

Subsequent correspondence on scientific matters should be sent to the Scientific Secretaries and correspondence on administrative matters to the IAEA’s Conference Services Section.

O. Conference website

Please visit the IAEA conference website regularly for new information regarding this conference:

You are here:IAEA Meetings
International Atomic Energy Agency
Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100
A-1400 Vienna, Austria
Telephone: (+431) 2600-0, Facsimile (+431) 2600-7
E-mail: Official Mail