New Publications

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Tsunami and Seiche Hazards in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations
Safety Reports Series No.  116

In 2004, the Indian Ocean Tsunami damaged several nuclear installations in India. In 2011, the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami caused the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident. These events have focussed international attention on the importance of protecting nuclear facilities against such natural hazards. This IAEA Safety Report presents detailed methodologies and recent case studies for the design and safety assessment of coastal nuclear installations, especially with a view to providing defence in depth. It complements IAEA Safety Standards Series No. SSG-18, Meteorological and Hydrological Hazards in Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations, published in 2011, by introducing the latest knowledge of tsunami and seiche hazards based on real major events and related data, and their effects on nuclear sites. This publication is designed to be of use for all IAEA Member States that have nuclear installations near their shorelines.
STI/PUB/1988, 193 pp.; 79 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-133424-4, English. 80.00 Euro
Full Text, (File Size: 11724 KB).

Quality Assurance and Optimization for Fluoroscopically Guided Interventional Procedures
IAEA Human Health Series No.  48

This IAEA Human Health Series publication provides comprehensive guidance on quality assurance and optimization in fluoroscopically guided interventional procedures (FGIPs). Designed for a diverse range of clinical specialists, it emphasizes the critical role of radiology medical physicists in establishing robust quality assurance programmes. By outlining best practices, standardizing protocols and emphasizing the integration of cutting edge technology with evidence based medicine, this publication aims to support healthcare providers in offering FGIPs that are patient-centred and in line with global standards.
STI/PUB/2101, 173 pp.; 53 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-134524-0, English. 88.00 Euro
Full Text, (File Size: 6315 KB).

Performance Indicators to Monitor, Assess and Improve Knowledge Management Programmes in Nuclear Organizations
IAEA TECDOC Series No.  2080

This publication provides specific methods and tools for the identification, development, selection, establishment and use of performance indicators (PIs) to measure and report on the implementation and effectiveness of knowledge management programmes to improve the overall performance of a nuclear organization. It captures examples that are applicable to the entire lifecycle of a nuclear organization. While the guidance is intended primarily for senior and middle level utilities management, the concepts and approaches are useful for all other nuclear organizations, as well as technical and scientific support organizations, regulators and educational providers.
IAEA-TECDOC-2080, 98 pp.; 11 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-104125-8, English. 32.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 3/10/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 3022 KB).

Topical Issues in Nuclear Installation Safety
Proceedings Series 

Focused on the safety of evolutionary and innovative reactor designs, the conference facilitated exchange of experiences and discussions on potential solutions for the most pressing challenges associated with these reactor types. This proceedings publication provides a summary of the panel discussions and parallel technical sessions, as well as the opening and closing speeches. The full papers from the oral sessions and e-papers as presented at the conference are included as supplementary files available on-line.
STI/PUB/2108, 43 pp.; 4 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-103825-8, English. 26.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 3/10/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 1912 KB).

Experience in the Development and Application of Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants
IAEA TECDOC Series No.  2081

This publication captures the current state of knowledge and practices within Member States concerning the development and use of Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Assessments (PSA). It summarizes the key insights shared in discussions during a technical meeting, as well as suggested next steps.
IAEA-TECDOC-2081, 90 pp.; 13 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-104625-3, English. 32.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 3/5/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 2273 KB).

Environmental Remediation and Management of Trenches Containing Historic Radioactive Wastes
IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No.  NW-G-3.3

This publication draws together the experience of Member States in the evaluation, management and remediation of legacy trench sites. It describes the overall process necessary to facilitate such projects. The publication provides the reader with an understanding of how to characterize, assess and potentially remediate such sites as well as providing guidance on management aspects such as decision making and engaging with stakeholders. A key aim is to highlight specific issues associated with these sites, which make them different from other contaminated sites, and to direct the reader to relevant guidance. Case studies to illustrate legacy trench sites, which either have been or are in various stages of assessment and remediation are also presented. Relevant experience and lessons learned for these sites is embedded throughout the publication.
STI/PUB/2075, 175 pp.; 44 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-153823-9, English. 44.00 Euro
Full Text, (File Size: 6896 KB).

Absorbed Dose Determination in External Beam Radiotherapy
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STI/DOC/010/398 (Rev. 1), 330 pp.; 29 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-419424-1, Russian. 70.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 2/21/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 10741 KB).

Design of Fuel Handling and Storage Systems for Nuclear Power Plants
Seriya norm MAGATE po bezopasnosti No.  SSG-63

STI/PUB/1897, 61 pp.; 2 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-448823-4, Russian. 32.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 2/21/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 1507 KB).

International Safeguards in the Design of Radioactive Waste Management Programmes
IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No.  NW-T-1.28

Part of a series to inform nuclear facility designers, vendors, operators and State governments about IAEA safeguards and how associated requirements can be considered early in the design phase of a new nuclear facility, this publication is applicable to the design of radioactive waste management programmes covering both facilities and waste forms. The potential to reduce costs, avoid retrofits and achieve efficiencies, both for the operator and for IAEA Member States, are important drivers for the early consideration of safeguards in the design of a radioactive waste management programme. This early consideration is recommended as radioactive waste management programmes are one of the few places where safeguards on nuclear material may be terminated under certain circumstances. The publication is intended primarily to be of use to waste management professionals for any facilities that handle safeguarded nuclear materials; policy makers responsible for waste management decisions; safeguards professionals involved in the application of safeguards to waste packages and facilities at the State or International level.
STI/PUB/2085, 87 pp.; 35 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-114624-3, English. 38.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 2/21/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 7617 KB).

Absorbed Dose Determination in External Beam Radiotherapy
Colección de informes técnicos  398 (Rev. 1)

STI/DOC/010/398 (Rev. 1), 322 pp.; 29 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-319724-3, Spanish. 70.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 1/31/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 42092 KB).

Planning, Management and Conduct of Regulatory Safety Review and Assessment for Nuclear Power Plants
Safety Reports Series No.  125

Establishing a well-defined, well-organized and clear regulatory review and assessment process at each licensing step is key to achieving the highest level of safety throughout the lifetime of a nuclear power plant. Reflecting a project management approach adopted in many States, this publication provides practical guidance for the planning, management and conduct of the review and assessment by regulatory bodies of applications for authorization. It is intended for the managers and staff of regulatory bodies of States, particularly those embarking on a nuclear power programme, who are involved in the regulatory review and assessment process.
STI/PUB/2091, 51 pp.; 1 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-117924-1, English. 54.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 2/11/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 10 KB).

Certification of Mass Fractions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Organochlorines and Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in IAEA-159A Marine Sediment Sample
IAEA Analytical Quality in Nuclear Applications Series No.  75

IAEA/AQ/75, 125 pp.; 86 figures; 2025, English. 0.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 1/31/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 3952 KB).

Life Cycle Management Approaches for Nuclear Facility Instrumentation and Control Systems
IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No.  NR-T-1.23

The aim of the publication is to provide an overview on the current knowledge, up to date best practices, experiences, benefits and challenges related to the subject approaches on instrumentation and control (I&C) systems life cycle management. This includes the coordination of life cycle management methods applied to I&C systems and those applicable to any safety systems that they might interconnect or otherwise interface with. The report is intended to be used by Member States to ensure that appropriate considerations are made to support the introduction of life cycle management approaches for all relevant stakeholders involved in the development of I&C for nuclear facilities and to discuss how these activities can support their safe, reliable and long-term operation. The publication is intended for all personnel involved in the design, development, verification and validation, manufacturing, licensing, operation and maintenance of nuclear power plant instrumentation and control systems and equipment.
STI/PUB/2100, 118 pp.; 29 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-130124-6, English. 54.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 2/4/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 3805 KB).

Analysis and Modelling of Severe Accidents for Liquid Metal Fast Reactors
IAEA TECDOC Series No.  2079

In March 2023, the IAEA organized a Technical Meeting on the Safety Approach for Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Reactors [LMFRs] and the Analysis and Modelling of Severe Accidents. This publication summarizes the material that was presented during this meeting, related to the analysis and modelling of severe LMFR accidents. It covers knowledge on the physical phenomena and the development of models and numerical tools, and their validation through experimental data related to the progression of severe accidents. This publication is intended for public and private sector organizations developing LMFRs, research facilities, organizations responsible for designing LMFRs, operators and contractors, including prospective operators, and regulatory bodies.
IAEA-TECDOC-2079, 310 pp.; 151 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-100125-2, English. 32.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 1/23/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 12237 KB).

Handbook on the Design of Physical Protection Systems for Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities
Collection Sécurité nucléaire de l’AIEA Nº  40-T

STI/PUB/1875, 211 pp.; 54 figures; 2025
ISBN 978-92-0-210923-0, French. 60.00 Euro. Date of Issue: 1/23/2025.
Full Text, (File Size: 5882 KB).

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