Abstract. We report significant progress in Advanced Tokamak research on DIII-D. 1) AT plasmas with minimum q around 1.5 and HITER89P > 10 were sustained for 600 ms or about 4 ; these have = 4.2%, about 2, bootstrap current fraction 0.65 and total non-inductive current fraction 0.85. 2) MHD stability experiments achieved rotational stabilization of the resistive wall mode, allowing an increase in beta by a factor of two from the no-wall limit to the ideal wall limit. Localized electron cyclotron current drive produced complete stabilization of neoclassical tearing modes in sawtoothing plasmas; this experiment utilized feedback control of the ECH location. 3) Confinement experiments demonstrated long duration core transport barriers lasting more than 3.5 s or 25 . 4) Edge plasma studies have demonstrated ELM-free, steady-state H-mode edge plasmas with constant density and radiated power lasting 3.5 s. A model based on coupled neutral and plasma particle transport explains many features of the H-mode edge density pedestal. *Work supported by U.S. DOE under Contracts W-7405-ENG-48, DE-AC03-99ER54463, DE-AC05-96OR22465, DE-AC02-76CH03073.
IAEA 2003