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(CT/P-12) Analytical Study of RWM Feedback Stabilisation with Application to ITER

Y. Gribov1), V.D. Pustovitov2)
1) ITER IT, ITER Naka JWS, Naka-Machi, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki, Japan
2) Nuclear Fusion Institute, Russian Research Centre``Kurchatov Institute", Russia

Abstract.  An analytical model for studying the feedback control of Resistive Wall Modes (RWM) in a tokamak with single or double conducting wall is presented. The model is based on a cylindrical approximation. The numerical estimates have been done for ITER having vacuum vessel with two conducting shells. It was shown that the outer shell only insignificantly reduces the RWM instability growth rate, but deteriorate the RWM active stabilisation. In ITER, the sensors located inside the inner shell and measuring poloidal magnetic field give possibility to stabilize RWM having sufficiently low instability growth time (about 7 times lower than the time constant of inner shell of the vacuum vessel). The error field correction system (side saddle coils) in combination with the poloidal sensors is capable to stabilize the RWM for expected range of normalized beta.

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IAEA 2003