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(CT/P-11) Irradiation Test of Diagnostic Components for ITER Application in a Fission Reactor, Japan Materials Testing Reactor

T. Shikama1), T. Nishitani2), T. Kakuta3), S. Yamamoto4), S. Kasai2), M. Narui1), E. Hodgson5), R. Reichle6), B. Brichard7), A. Krassilinikov8), R. Snider9), G. Vayakis10), A. Costley10)
1) Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan
2) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Naka, Japan
3) Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai, Japan
4) ITER-JWS-Garching, Garching, Germany
5) CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
6) CEA Cadarache, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France
7) SCK/CEN, Mol, Belgium
8) TRINITI, Moscow, Russia
9) GA, San Diego, USA
10) ITER-JWS-Naka, Naka, Japan

Abstract.  The Japanese ITER home team played crucial roles in studying radiation effects in diagnostics components, utilizing JMTR, under close collaborations among universities, JAERI and industries. In-situ studies of performance of the magnetic coil showed that the radiation induced electrical conductivity (RIC) is not a problem when a coil is made of a mineral insulating cable (MI-cable). Magnetic measurements could be carried out up to a few M Hz under the ITER relevant irradiation conditions. A JET-bolometer was irradiation-tested in the JMTR. A structure of the bolometer could withstand the 3 irradiation cycles, corresponding to the expected irradiation dose in the ITER. A few technical problems were found, such as increase of electrical conductivity of a gold meander due to nuclear transmutation of gold into mercury. We found that some optical fibers could be used even for visible application near burning plasma with a limited life. For infrared applications, several optical fibers could be found with a life-time far beyond the ITER whole operation period.

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IAEA 2003